1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory
Yakutat – Pop 200, mostly natives. A p o situated on Yakutat Bay, 256 miles nw of Juneau, the capital and banking point. A large salmon cannery is located here. There is a Swedish Evangelical Mission and a government school for natives. The making of Indian baskets and curios is quite an industry. Mail boat connection with Seattle every 10 days.

Ahnes A, cannery supt, Yakutat & Southern Ry Co
Anderson H T, prospector
Axelson E M, supt of Mission, Postmaster

Benson D S, gen store

Dawson J R, mgr W P Mills & Co

Early O N, gen mdse

Gray Wm, bakery and billiards

Italio T M, gen mdse

Johns E D, trapper

Mills W P & Co, J R Dawson mgr, gen mdse

O'Neill K J, phys Yakutat & Southern Ry Co

Pacific Alaska Navigation Co (The Admiral Line) (see right side lines and p 95), Seattle, Wn
Patchen Karl, store mgr Yakutat & Southern Ry Co

St Elias Packing Co

Tiniman Carl, carp and watchman
Torvick John, fireman and fisherman
Trefzger Hardy, trapper and taxidermist

Yakutat & Southern Ry Co, gen mdse and cannery
Extracted 02 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., page 573.
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This page was last updated 12/26/2023