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Tlingit Children in Yakutat Tell Oral Histories |
Kaakutkeich Yoo xat du wasaakw Tlingit tleina. My name
is Kai Monture. My clan is the Kwaashkikwaan. The land was owned by five clans. Each clan had their own area and they each knew from what mountain to what mountain, from what river to what river they owned. Each clan was under one of the two moieties, Raven and Eagle. They all had their own crests and each clan had houses under it. The northernmost clan, the Beaver Clan, owned from Katalla to Icy Bay. The Beaver Clan's Tlingit name is Galyax Kaagwaantaan. They were always there, and they take Mt. Roberts as their crest. The area from Icy Bay to Yakutat Bay and out to the Airport was owned by the Kwaash kikwaan or the Humpy Salmon Creek Clan. The Kwaash kikwaan or Gineixkwaan came from the Chitna and the Copper River area. They're called the copper diggers. They brought copper or tin to the area. Their houses are the Owl House and the Half Moon house. From Lost River and on up to Situk and the headwaters of the Aantlaan is owned by the Teikweidei or the Brown Bear Clan. They migrated up from the Ketchikan area. They saw the fire on Mt. Edgecombe when it erupted 950 years ago and claimed it. The Silver Salmon Clan or the L'uknax.adi owned from Akwe River to Lituya Bay. That is my grandfather's clan. They have seven houses. The Far Out House, the Canoe Prow House, the Frog House, the Mountain House, the Sea Lion House, the Whale House, and the Sleep House. The area right above them, the Alsek River area, was owned by the Shangukeidee or the Thunderbird Clan. The Thunderbird is their crest because they left a boy behind while they were coming down through the Alsek River. When they went back feathers were growing on him. The Thunderbird had claimed him. That is the five clans and their territories. Each clan was protective of their land. Land ownership is one of the biggest laws in the Tlingit culture. You did not fish or hunt on somebody else's land without their permission. If you did your and you were caught your equipment would be broken and you would have to leave. Two areas in Yakutat were purchased because of these incidents. Hunting & Fishing Children Dances &
Stories Yakutat Now I'd like to say gunacheech (thank you) my grandfather, mother, grandma, and everyone else who helped me write this essay. |
Kaa too wu kin yoo xat du wasaakw My name is Lydia Bogren. The little boy who was left behind The people were at the head of the Alsek River. This river runs very swift so our people pulled canoes with a rope. Along the way they stopped at a camping spot to have lunch. During this time a 4-year-old boy wandered off to go hunting for little birds. The clan finished with lunch and decided to move on, forgetting that the little boy was still out hunting. The clan didn't miss the little boy until they reached the foot of the Alsek River. It would take at least four days, fighting swift currents, to get back to where the boy was. After much discussion and deliberation the clan decided that the by the time they would get back, the boy would not longer be alive. The Shungukeidee decided that it would be dangerous to go back only to find that the boy had perished so the made the difficult decision to remain there and let him go. The Shuggukeidee had a big potlatch when they knew they wouldn't have the boy return to them. Everyone in the clan felt sad that they had lost the boy and had heavy hearts. To heal their hearts and so they wouldn't forget, they composed a song about this sad event. Many years later they found out that the Thunderbird took care of the boy. When the boy could not find his family he cried. The Thunderbird heard the boy crying, turned himself into a human being and raised the boy in a cave near the mountains. The Thunderbird was very proud of the boy that grew into a strong man, but the Thunderbird realized the boy was very lonesome. The Thunderbird decided to return this man to the Shungukeidee. When he returned to his people, he noticed that he had grown quill on his legs down to his ankles and from his elbows to his wrists. After he returned to his people, he wanted them to belong to the Thunderbird. That is how the Shungukeidee got the Thunderbird Crest. |
Yaan Duein yoo xat
duwsasakw My name is Carl Bogren My great great grandfather was Lituya Bay George. He was the last to
leave Lituya Bay. Lituya Bay George had such strong feelings about not
wanting to lose it, he had laid claim to it. Later on he moved on to Dry
Bay. There, he and his daughters worked in the cannery. Lituya Bay
George packed mail for miners. His daughter Jennie worked in the cannery
from the time she was eleven years old. In order for her to work there
they said she was older than she really was. During that time the first
house was built in Dry Bay in 1909. When the cannery shut down the
children were required by the Territory of Alaska to get an education.
My great great-grandmother Jennie was sent to Sheldon Jackson school to
get an education but didn't stay very long because they forbid her from
speaking her own language. |
The Tlingits of the Yakutat area occupied all of the Gulf of Alaska, from Cape Fairweather to between Dry Bay and Lituya Bay. The Galyix Kagwantan claimed Controller Bay and the shore almost to Icy Bay. Icy Bay was an important hunting area for the Galyix Kagwantan. They hunted mountain goat, seal and sea otter. The Galyix Kagwantan originally spoke Eyak and settled the Kaliakh River after the flood. Chugach Eskimos claimed Controlled Bay during the 18th century but they were driven off by Tlingits. The Galyix Kagwantan got the name Galyix from their villiage called Galyix at Kaliakh River, and the name Kagwantan was attached to them when a Galyix man married the Kagwantan Chief's daughter. The Galyix Kagwantan is in the Eagle Clan and their crest is the beaver and the wolf. |
Chash'tlaa yooxaat dooisaak Yei'l ayaxaat Luk'na-axdi axaat My name is Martha Mallott. I am raven from the frog house and the child of Gulyeil'Kaagwaantaan Long ago Luk'na-axdi people lived in a big clan house in the Gusex village. Around the 1800s the Luk'na-axdi people stayed in Dry Bay for some time and made a clan house. Gusex is an Athabascan name. Athabascan people came from the interior and traveled the Alsek River into Dry Bay. They were known as the Gunana people or "foreigners" or "Stick Indians." The Guanana people from the interior were one of the first to settle in Gusex. The Gunana people were Luk'wa-axdi's, Sockeye people. Because the Luk'wa-axdi were only seasonal people, the Luk'na-axdi's migration into the area was permanent and they eventually acquired Gusex as their own. Gusex grew into the largest Luk'na-axdi village in the Gunaaxoo area. The Luk'na-axdi people would mainly fish for sockeye, silver salmon, and chum. The main berries that they would pick were salmon berries, strawberries, blueberries, high-bush cranberries and chalk berries. The furs that they would collect were lynx, mink, marten, and land otter. The main crests that they would use were the Frog, Mt. Fairweather, Coho and Boulder. This is how life was for the Luk'na-axdi in Dry Bay. After the Luk'na-axdis migrated to Yakutat. Life in Yakutat was much different; there were canneries and schools for the children. But they managed to adjust to the change and life in Yakutat was great. |
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