B P Mining Co Inc, Geo Butler (Seattle Wn) pres, David Petree sec-treas
Baatz Henry, cigars and confr 184 1st av, r Golden Gate Hotel
Nettie Mrs (Golden Gate Hotel), h 3d av sw cor Lacey
Badger Harry M, h 22
Wendel av
Bagg Rhoda W Mrs, smstrs, h s s 3d av 2 w Fire Hall
Hallet (Lavery & Bailey), h s s 8th av 2 w Perry
Bainbridge A M, miner, r
Pioneer Hotel
Bainnch Peter, tmstr, h Graehl
Baker Dorman, pressman
The Alaska Citizen, h 68 2d av
Ball Pakr, Garden Island
Ballaine H,
farming, 5 miles n
Balton Jennie K Mrs, clk F S Gordon, r 336 1st av
Balzimer Alex J, shoemkr 169 2d av, r do
Balzimer Aug, miner, r Nordale
Barb W B, miner, h 5th av n w cor Wickersham
Barbee Peyton E,
prospector, h Graehl
Barfuss Benno, brewer, h 30 2d av
Barker L D,
miner, r Nordale Hotel
Barlund Sigurd, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Block, 2d av ne cor Turner
Barnette Frank H, prospector, r 1st av cor
Baroff Cain, cigars and billiards, h ss 9th av 5 e of Cushman
Barrack Alexander, mach Samson Hdwe Co, h Garden Island
Barrack Jas E,
mgr Samson Hdwe Co, h Garden Island
Barrack John, pres Samson Hdwe Co, h
Garden Island
Barrett John, quartz miner, r Pionoeer Hotel
Archie, deck hand S S Delta
Barron Archie H, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Barthel Aurora Mrs, sec-treas Barthel Brewing Co Inc, h 15 1st av
Brewing Co Inc, Dave Petree pres-mgr, D H Cascaden vice-pres, Mrs Aurora
Barthel sec-treas, 16-18 1st Av (see opp)
Barthel Richard C, r 15 1st av
Bartlett Edwd, freighter, h 45 Wendel av
Bartlett Jas, miner, h 54 1st av
Barton Fredk A, prospector, h 5th av se cor Hall
Batinick Anton, brtndr
Pioneer Hotel, h s s 2nd av 3 e Badger
Baxter Fred, car repr Tanana
Valley R R Co, res Chena
Bay Hilda (Clark House), mgr Shaw House Grill, h
172 4th av
Beach Harry, bldg. contr, h 4th av sw cor Wickersham
Bean Chas R,
miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Beaton Daniel, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Con, lab
Begis Wm, tmstr, h 361 5th av
Begler Michl, mining Eva and
Tolovana creeks, r Nordale Hotel
Behlke Max (Behlke & Blakely), h n s 2d
av 7 e Hall
Behlke & Blakely (Max Behlke, E W Blakely), barbers 192 1st
Behring Carl C, lab
Bell Albert, miner, h n s 3d av 2 e Cowles
Bell Arthur G (Fairbanks Times Publishing Co), h 450 1st Av
Jos, mining Palmer creek, r Pioneer Hotel
Bellerby John, miner, h Cushman
se cor 11th av
Belling B, clk postoffice, h 238 Cushman
Bellows Geo L
(The Bijou), notary public and conveyancing, editor and publisher of the
Bijougram, h 5th av sw cor Bonnififeld
Bemis E P, purser
Benner Robt
I, watchman, h A Y N Co shipyard
Bennett Geo, miner, h 116 6th av
Bennett John F, h s s 7th av 3 w of Lacey
Benson Albert, miner, r Nordale
Benson Howard W, steward s s Julia B, h 261 7th av
Bentley Harry
Thompson, farmer, h Graehl
Beraud Gustav E, assayer First National Bank,
h s s 3d av 2 w Cowles
Berg A, miner, r 110 1st av
Berg Edward,
mining, Tolovana, r Pioneer Hotel
Berg G G, vet surg Happy Creek, r Shaw
Berg Thorwald, tailor 51 Turner, h 55 1st av
Berge Carl, brtndr
Pioneer Hotel, r do
Bergsen Carl, miner, h 8th av s e cor Barnette
Bernhardt Carl G A, restaurant Nordale Hotel, h 6 Wendel av
Berntson Ole,
miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Berriman Hannibal C, cook, r Kellum se cor 3d av
Berry Frank, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Berry Henry H, h 45 Wendle av
Berry Mining Co, Clarence J Berry (Los Angeles Cal) pres, John Clark, Jas H
Hamil mngr, Fairbanks bldg.
Berry Morley, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Bertrand Chas, h 56 Wendel av
Best Assa W, r Golden Gate Hotel
Bettencourt Manuel A, wood sawyer, h n s 7th nr Hall
Bettles Gordon,
miner, h s s 4th av 2 w Cowles
Bevier Geo jr, r 404 1st av
Biedsch Louis, baker, h 330 2d av
Bierman Kathryn E, h 184 4th av
Biglow John, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Bijou The (Geo L Bellows), cigars,
confectionery and stationery, general mail order business, 250 1st av
Bijougram The, Geo L Bellows editor and publisher, trade journal P O Box
537, 250 1st av
Birk Elsie, barber David Courtemanche, h n s 4th av 5 e
Bishop Maude Mrs, housekpr Shaw House, h 160 6th av
Frank, grocer 138 1st av, h e s Cushman 2 s 6th av
Bittner Wm, lab, h
Badger se c or 2d av
Bjerremark August, wood dlr, h Cowles ne cor 5th av
Blackburn Saml, mining, Smallwood creek
Blair Geo M, painter
Blakely Edwd W (Behlke & Blakely), h n s 2d av 7 e Hall
Blakely Rollin T,
driver H H Ross, r 66 Wendel av
Blanchard Roy, mining, 7 below Big
Blanchard S A, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Blanchfield David,
tmstr, r Pioneer Hotel
Blanchfifeld Frank, miner, h 328 2d av
Robt, miner, h s s 7th av nr Clay
Bleecker Fred C, mining Goldstream cr,
r Shaw House
Blondo Geo C, eng, h 16 2d av
Blongvik Andw, miner, r 110
1st av
Bloom Robt, hdwe 148 1st av, h 160 3d av
Bloomquist Oscar,
miner, r Nordale Hotel
Boardman Grata, h s s 2d av cor Kellum
Boarman Frank B, life ins agt,
r Nordale Hotel
Bock Adolph, mining Hot Springs, r Nordale Hotel
Bockfinger Edwd M, brtndr Nordale Hotel, r do
Bodin Erick, miner, r
Pioneer Hotel
Bodroga Michael, miner, h s s 7th av 2 w Wickersham
Boerner Chas A, pilot S S Delta
Boliver Geo I, watchman Bernard Friss, r
136 1st av
Bond Mina Mrs, nurse, h 114 2d av
Bonner Anna, r 253 4th av
Borak Theodore, miner, h s s 8th av 5 w Barnette
Borgia W S, miner, r
Pioneer Hotel
Boroje Anton, grocer Garden Island, h do
Michael, miner, r Miners Home
Bostrom August, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Botelho Frank J, waiter, h s s 5th av 6 w Lacey
Bower B J, m iner, r
Nordale Hotel
Boyer Edwd H, h Cushman sw cor 8th av
Bradley Aline B, phys Cushman nw cor 8th av, h do
Bradley Jas F,
miner, h Cushman nw cor 8th av
Brakke A Theo L, brtndr Geis & Thompson, h
62 1st av
Brandham Frank, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Brandt Margaret A,
opr Fairbanks Tel Co, h Garden Island
Bravick A C, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Bravick Ole, Miner, r Nordale Hotel
Bredlie Anders (Second Avenue Shoe
Store), h 175 2d Av
Bredlie Roland, clk, h 10th av nr Cushman
Sivert R, cigars and billiards 170 1st av, h 192 11th av
Bresenhan Edwd,
linotype opr Fairbanks Daily Times
Brido Frank, grocer 79 1st av, h do
Brigel Louis G, molder Samson Hdwe Co, h Garden Island
Brinkman Geo, wood
sawyer, h 264 5th av
British Yukon Navigation Co, H Wheeler mgr, J A
Fairborn agt
Britt Patk J, miner, h n s Clay 2 s 6th av
Brock Wm,
cook, h 22 2nd av
Brooker Edgar, mining Beaver River, r Shaw House
Brooks C R, miner, r Shaw House
Brown Elizabeth, r E R Peoples
Harry, waiter, r 21 2d av
Brown John, h 38 1st av
Brown John K, lawyer
and notary 1 Patten bldg., h 324 1st av
Brown John W, fisherman, h e s
Clay bet 3d and 4th avs
Brown Lysle D, miner, h 5th av se cor Hall
Brown Richd M, colr, h 392 1st av
Brown W A, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Bruce Geo G Rev (First Presbyterian Church), h Cushman se cor 7th av
Bruderlin Leonard, mining Fox Gulch, h 354 5th av
Brumbaugh John, miner,
h Graehl
Brumbaugh Raymond, h 6th av se cor Kellum
Brundage Nita Mrs,
hair gds 156 2d av, h do
Bruning Adolph, cashier American Bank of Alaska,
r Nordale Hotel
Buchholz Harry, eng, h n s 10th 2 w Cushman
Buchholz Peter, brtndr W H
McPhee, h s s 6th av 8 w Cushman
Buckley John J, chief fire department, h
4th av sw cor Noble
Buffington Ezra Z, gardener, h s s 5th av 2 w
Buhro Harry, r 121 1st av
Bulette W E, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Bunnell Chas E Hon, Judge U S District Court 4th District, Division of
Alaska, r Shaw House
Burch J Ralph, miner, h 8th av se cor Lacey
J Ralph Mrs, wkr Fairbanks Lndy Co, h 8th ave se cor Lacey
Burger Danl,
prospector, h 3d av nr Duenkel
Burglin August A (Williams, Burglin &
Adami), h 41 2d av
Burnett Alma, r 19 1st av
Burnett Dewey, student, r
19 1st av
Burnett John F, carp, h 19 1st av
Burnett Laura, housekpr B
S Kennedy, r 19 1st av
Burns John S, stage driver Northern Commercial Co
Overland Stage Line, h 80 1st av
Burns Mary K, h 228 7th av
Burns M C,
cook, h 112 2d av
Burns Thos, messman S S Delta
Burton Edna Mrs,
manicure 222 3d av, h do
Busby Aaron, farmer, 1-1/2 m ne Chena Slough
Busby Harry, r Aaron Busby
Busby Jason C, r Aaron Busby
Buteau Frank,
blksmth, h 48 2d av
Butler John, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Butler Wm,
miner Fairbanks Gold Mining Co, h 15 Wendel av
Butorovich John, miner, h
263 7th av
Butorovich Lawrence, miner, r 263 7th av
Vincent, jeweler W H Mendham, r 263 7th av
Extracted 19 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., pages 207-210.
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