Fady Joseph, miner, h ss 6th 2 e Bonnifield
Fahey John, mining Happy
Creek, r Shaw House
Fahey Katherine Mrs, h ss 5th av 2
e Lacey
Fairbanks Bank Building, 2d av se cor Turner
Fairbanks Block,
1st av se cor Cushman
Fairbanks Commercial Club, A J Nordale pres, Geo A
Coleman v-pres, Wallace Cathcart sec-treas
Fairbanks Core Drill & Mining
Co, E H Mack sec-gen mgr
Fairbanks Curling Club, Robt Menzies pres, J G
Morrow sec, G L Schooling mgr
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Tanana
Publishing Co publrs, Ole P Gaustal mgr, Cushman se cor 3d ave
Daily Times, Fairbanks Times Publishing Co Publrs, 302 1st ave (See
Newspaper Dept)
Fairbanks Fire Department, J J Buckley chief, City Hall
Fairbanks Garden (Paul J. Rickert), 320 Acres, 14th av and Cushman
Fiarbanks-Hot Springs Stage Line (Cye Noble), Pioneer Hotel
Laundry Co, Julius Anderson pres, B F Pryor sec-treas, __ 2d av
Public School, 8th av se cor Turner
Fairbanks Quartz Development Co Inc,
W F Whitely sec
Fairbanks Telephone Co, H M Merritt mgr, 2d av sw cor
Fairbanks Tennis Club, C H Clegg pres, E H Mack sec-treas
Fairbanks Times Publishing Co Inc, Roy G Southworth, Arthur G Bell Editors,
Owners and Managers, Fairbanks Daily and Weekly Times (See Newspaper Dept)
Fairbanks Weekly Times, Fairbanks Times Publishing Co Publrs, 302 1st Av
(See Newspaper Dept)
Fairbanks Wireless Station, e end of 9th av, Chena
Fairborn Jas A, gen agt American Yukon Navigation Co, British
Yukon Navigation Co and White Pass & Yukon Route, h 278 1st av
David J, fireman, h 7th av 3 e of Cowles
Fairburn Lulu, tchr, r D J
Fairley Catherine (Wid Michl), h ss 5th av nr Lacey
Hotel (Jos H Smith), 157 1st av
Farrell Edward R, mining Hot Springs, r
Shaw House
Farthest North Club of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry, E H Mack pres, F B Hall sec-treas
Farthest North Knights
of Pythias Club, E H Mack sec
Faulk Leslie, blksmth Fredk Lewis, h ss 2d
av 2 w of Wickersham
Feddersen Saml, eng, h 7th av cor Wickersham
Feldman Henry, quartz mining Fairbanks Creek, r Shaw House
Ferguson David
G, mgr W H McPhee, h ns 2d av 2 e Noble
Ferguson E E, miner, r Pioneer
Ferguson Forbes B, r 68 2d av
Ferguson Frank W, miner, h Graehl
Ferretti Adeline M, clk J O Ellis, h Duenkel ne cor 5th av
Fife Anna Mrs,
h ss 2d av 3 w Cleary
Findley David, mining Tolovana, h Kellum sw cor 3d
Finger George C, master mariner, h ss 2d av 2 w Wickersham
Walter R, r Geo C Finger
Finn Wm C, quartz mining head Happy Creek, r
Shaw House
First Church of Christ Scientist, 7th a sw cor Barnett
First National Bank Assay Office, 150 2d av
First National Bank Building,
2d av nw cor Cushman
First National Bank of Fairbanks, R C Wood pres,
Luther C Hess vice-pres, Geo Hutchinson cashier, Joseph G Morrow asst
cashier, 2d Av sw cor Cushman (See adv)
Fischer A Harry, prospector, r ns
2d av 2 e Badger
Fischer Joseph, h ss 6th av 6 w Cushman
Fisher Albert
G Mrs, stngr H A Day, h 58 2d av
Fisher Grace A, stngr Clerk of the
Court, r Duenkel ne cor 5th av
Fisher Ole W, miner, r Shaw House
Fisher Oscar D, clk, h 22 3d av
Fisko Carl, miner, r Theo Fisko
Theodore, miner, h ss 5th av 2 w State
Fitts Estelle, stngr McGowan &
Clark, r 356 1st av
Fitzgerald Maurice, miner, h Graehl
Clarence D, owner Steamer Atlas
Fleischman Carl J, circulation mgr
Fairbanks Daily and Weekly Times, r 50 2d av
Fleischman Tobias, guard U S
jail, h 50 2d av
Fleischman Victor, clk Lavery & Bailey, h ns 2d av bet
Duenkel and Hall
Flynn Frank (Flynn & Robinson), h ss 7th nr Barnette
Flynn J L, emp Fairbanks Times Pub Co, r 302 1st av
Flynn & Robinson
(Frank Flynn, Wm Robinson), saloon 174 1st av
Fogarty Elizabeth Mrs, clk
R C Meinhart, r 318 1st av
Ford Helen S Mrs, furn rms, h 2d av sw cor
Forsbloom Louis, tmstr, r Pioneer Hotel
Forseth Olaf, miner, r
Nordale Hotel
Fortier Albert, prosperctor, r Pioneer Hotel
Arthur, tmstr
Foster Ernest I, h 408 1st av
Foster Laura (wid Wilson),
laundrey, h ss 3d av 3 w Wickersham
Foster Thos H, blksmth 1st av sw cor
Noble, h 53-1/2 2d av
Fowle Julius R, clothing es Cushman bet 1st and 2d
avs, cashr American Yukon Navigation Co, h 2d av nw cor Cowles
Fox Jas,
miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Fraker Sherman, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Frank Wm
M, longshoreman, h ss 5th av 7 e Hall
Franklin Agatha T Mrs, tchr, h 10th
av se cor Cushman
Franklin Calvin W, mining Tolovana, h ss 8th av 2 e
Franklin Carl, sec Ryan Lode Mining Co
Frazier Christine Mrs
Frederich Alois, quartz miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Fredericksen Emil, miner,
r Nordale Hotel
Freestone Louis A, quartz miner, h 34 Hall
Edwin L, miner, h 79 Clay
Fretwell Samuel, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Friss's Bakery and Coffee House (Bernard Friss), furnished rooms and baths,
136 1st av (see adv)
Friss Bernard (Friss's Bakery and Coffee House), h
136 1st Av
Fuchs Philip J jr, miner, h 22 5th av 6 w Lacey
Fulton Jas,
baker, h ss 2d av 2 e Badger
Funk A B, miner, r Shaw House
Funess Wm,
miner, h Graehl
Gabrielsen Herman, driver C T Hinckley, r do
Gadt Chas, miner, h 3d av
ne cor Duenkel
Gainor Edwd, carp
Gallant Rudolph,
tmstr P J Rickert, r do
Galliman Jos, cook, r Golden Gate Hotel
Island, located n of city across Chena Slough
Garden Island Public
School, Anna C Anderson tchr, opp Duenkel, Garden Island
Gardner G Ellis,
asst U S District Attorney
Gardner Jas, miner, h Graehl
Lester, J, miner, h 225 7th av
Gardner Thos, tmstr
Garner A R, h 48
Wendel av
Gascoyne Chas, brtndr Horsehoe Bar, h ss 7th av nr Lacey
Gately Martin, h Graehl
Gatrell Jas E (launch Columbus), h waterfront nr
Independent Mill
Gaustad Ole P, pres-treas-mgr Tanana Publishing Co, mgr
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, h ns 9th av 2 w Lacey
Gaynor Edwd, carp, h 78
3d av
Geifes August, driver Waechter Bros, h Garden Island
Geis Robert
J (Geis & Thompson), h 134 3d av
Geis & Thompson (R J Geis, C L
Thompson), saloon 1st av se cor Cushman
Geoghegan Richd H, h 160 6th av
Geraghty Clyde W, clk Alaska Road Comn, h Garden Island
Gerth Rinholt,
miner, h Cushman ne cor Valdez rd
Gertz Jos, mining Chatanika ditch, r
Nordale Hotel
Gibson Annie, h ss 8th av 4 e Cushman
Gibson Chas,
prospector, h w end 1st av
Gibson Thos H, salsn Samson Hdwe Co, h 55 1st
Gibson Vernon, h 257 4th av
Gies Julius, miner, h ns 7th av 3 e
Gilcher Wm H (Gilcher & Schwendiman), h 360 1st av
Gilcher &
Schwendiman (Wm H Gilcher, Jesse F Schwendiman), sheet metal wks 154 2d av
Gillette Louis R, lawyer, h 8th av ne cor Bonnifield
Gilmore Thos M,
miner, r 110 1st av
Gilsey House (Mrs Robt Kincaid), lodgings 121 1st av
Ginnis Martha, h ss 3d av 2 w Wickersham
Girouard Oliver, miner, h 3d av
se cor Lincoln
Gius Celester P, miner, h 6th av se cor Cowles
Glencross Thos, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Godske Alexander J, acct Northern
Coml Co, h 8th av nw cor Kellum
Goheen Dennis M, miner, h rear 134 4th av
Gohres Henry J, capt fire dept, r Fire Hall
Golden Gate Hotel (Mrs Nettie
Baatz), 3d av sw cor Lacey
Golden Louis, grocer 1st av sw cor Wickersham,
h ws Wickersham 3 s 1st
Goldstake Mining Co Inc, A R Heilig atty
Goodfellow Vesta B Mrs, h 184 2d av
Goodwin Alfred, miner, r Nordale
Goonan Michael, mining Discovery, Smallwood Creek
Gorbracht Wm,
musician, h ss 5th av 3 w Cleary
Gordon Frank S, dry gds Cushman bet 4th
and 5th avs, h ws Cushman bet 9th and 10 avs
Gorham Wm H, mnfg jeweler
Cushman nw cor 5th av, h do
Gossemann Tony, quartz mining Bedrock Creek,
r Shaw House
Gould Gilbert L, milkman W G Gould, h Garden Island
Walter, salsn, h Duenkel se cor River front
Gould Wm G, dairy, Garden
Island, h do
Gove Jos, miner, r Nordale Hotel
Government Experimental
Farm, J W Neil in charge, Ester Siding
Graehl, located e of Garden
Island, n of Chena Slough
Graehl Island, 1/2 mile e of city opp Graehl
Graham Robt Mrs, h 215 10th av
Grann Gus, miner, h ns 2d av 3 w Duenkel
Grant Albert G, h ss 12th av 1 e Cushman
Gravell G George, tmstr, h 95 3d
Gray Jas T, master mariner
Gray John G, bkpr, h Lacey bet 4th and
5th av s
Great Northern Railway Co, L Joe Heacock Local Agent
Edwd C, h w end 5th av
Green Geo A, pilot, r Pioneer Hotel
Green Gus,
miner, r Nordale Hotel
Green John (Steamer Tana)
Greeve Arnt,
surveyor, h 38 Wendel av
Griffin Ronald, porter Red Cross Drug Store, h
185 5th av
Griggs, barber, h ss 4th av 2 e Wickersham
Grill Chas,
miner, r Nordale Hotel
Grljevic Jos, h Graehl
Gross Belle, opr
Fairbanks Tel Co, r es Wickersham ne cor 3d av
Groves John H, mgr The
Auditorium, h 75 Clay
Grow Albert A, miner
Grow Harry L, mining 4
below, Smallwood Creek, h Cushman se cor 3d av
Grow John, mining,
Smallwood Creek
Gundler Frieda
Guntilla Gus, miner, h ss 6th av bet
Duenkel and Lacey
Gustafson Aug, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Gustafson G
Elmer, miner, r Pioneer Hotel
Gustafson Hjalmer A, miner h 77 1st av
Extracted 21 Feb 2019 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., pages 219-220.
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