![]() ![]() KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH & Prince of Wales - Hyder Census Area |
Alaska Panhandle Tales: or Funny Things Happened Up North | O'Donnell, Jack. (Seaside, Ore.: Frontier Pub., 1996), 181 pp., paperback, ISBN0939116405, P.O. Box 441, Seaside, OR 97138. The author, a commercial fisherman and guide, portrays the unusual men and women who came to Southeast Alaska and left their mark. |
Alaska's Southern Panhandle | Volume 24, Number 1ofAlaska Geographic (Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, c1997), 96p., ISBN 1566610354, P.O. Box 93370PR, Anchorage, AK 99509-3370. Wln97212115. Geography and cultural history of this region, including Ketchikan, Prince of Wales Island, Metlakatla, and Hyder |
Albie and Billy, the sky pilot and other stories | Short, Wayne. / Petersburg, Alaska: Devil's Thumb Press (Box 1136, Petersburg AK 99833), 1994. 184p. Autobiographical stories of life and commercial fishing in Southeast Alaska in the 1940's and 1950's. wln94-331170. |
Among the Thlinkits in Alaska |
by C.E.S. Wood, 1882, Century Magazine. |
Amy Lou's Alaska: An Intimate Portrait by Photographer and Pilot Amy Lou Barney | Barney, Amy Lou. / photographs by Amy Lou Barney; text by Renee Guerin (Juneau AK: A .L. Barney, 1997), 73 pp., paper, PO Box 20886, Juneau, AK 99802. Wln97075790. Selection of over a hundred black and white images the reflect the rich diversity of Alaskan life from Ketchikan to Goodnews Bay, 1937-1951. |
An historical guide to Revillagigedo and Gravina Islands, Alaska | by Patricia Roppel. Published/Created: Wrangell, Alaska (P.O. Box 1998, Wrangell 99929): P. Roppel, c1995. Description: 313 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm. |
An Index to Mining-Related Articles in Ketchikan Newspapers, 1901-1936 | Redman, Earl, and Ken Maas. (Juneau: Alaska State Library, 1997), 34 pp., paper, PO Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99811-0571. LC97-134919. Lists citations to local newpaper articles by location and name of mine. |
Book by the Goose Pilot | Stedman, Bill. (Petersburg: Pilot Publishing, Inc., 1998), 58 pp., paperback, ISBN0964276348, P.O. Box 930, Petersburg, AK 99833. A pilot reflects on his family, Southeast Alaska, and flying. |
Celebration 2000: Restoring Balance through Culture | Fair, Susan W., and Rosita Worl, editors./ with contributions by Kenneth Austin (Juneau, AK : Sealaska Heritage Foundation, 2000), 206 pp., paper, One Sealaska Plaza, Suite 201, Juneau, AK 99801-1249. Twenty-three major contributions by traditional and academic scholars on Southeast Alaskan topics including Alaskan history, language, culture, arts, and literature; contibutors include the editors as well as Walter Soboleff, Frederica de Laguna, Richard and Nora Dauenhauer, Steven C. Brown, Sergei Kan, Steve Langdon and many others. |
Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline Among Northwest Coast Indians | Boyd, Robert T. , 1774-1874 (Vancouver : UBC Press ; Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1999) 403 pp., cloth, ISBN 0295978376, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle WA 98145-5096. Examines the introduction of infectious diseases among the Indians of the Northwest Coast culture area (present-day western Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, and southeast Alaska) in the first century of contact and the effects of these new diseases on Native American population size, structure, interactions, and viability. The emphasis is on epidemic diseases and specific epidemic episodes. |
Exploring Southeast Alaska: Dixon entrance to Skagway: Details of Every Harbor and Cove | Douglass, Don, and Reanne Hemingway Douglass. : Itineraries of the Inside Passage San Juan Islands to Glacier Bay (Anacortes, WA: Fine Edge Productions, c2000), 543 pp., paper, ISBN 0938665588, 13589 Clayton Lane, Anacortes, WA 98221. Guidebook with great details for the Southeast Alaska cruising community. |
Footprints in History: Thorne Bay, Alaska | by Mary Lou Swaim and Leona Coleman, Published/Created: [Thorne, Ketchikan, Alaska] : Swaim, c1979. Description: 199 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Notes: Includes index. |
History of mines and prospects, Ketchikan District, prior to 1952 | by John Bufvers, . Published/Created: Juneau, State of Alaska, Division of Mines and Minerals, 1967. Description: 32 l. map. 29 cm. |
Holy Name Catholic Church : a history of the parish of the Holy Name in Ketchikan from 1904 to 2002 | by Mary Giraudo Beck. Published/Created: Ketchikan, Alaska: Pioneer Printing Co., c2002. Description: vi, 50 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0966947827 |
I Never Did Mind the Rain: A Collection of Oral Histories from Southern Southeast Alaska | Harrington, Louise Brinck, and Mary C. Smith. (Ketchikan: Friends of the Ketchikan Public Library, 1995), 105 pp., paper, ISBN 0-9648998-3-3, order from Alaskan Southeaster, P.O. Box 240667, Douglas, AK 99824. wln97-045480. Interviews with twenty-five Ketchikan residents, 1900-1950. |
Ketchikan, Alaska’s Totemland | by Mary Gillmore Balcom, Published/Created: Chicago, Adams Press [1961] Description: 127 p. illus. 23 cm. |
Little Boats and Big Salmon | Jensen, Erv. (Silverdale, Wash. : Three Trees Pub., 1999) 208 pp., paper, ISBN 0966875303, available from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau AK 99801, 1-800-478-1000. Erv and his brother, Sven, started commercial fishing from little boats for big salmon in southeast Alaska nearly a half century ago and were among the pioneers of techniques for catching chinook salmon, such as mooching. |
Memory Eternal: Tlingit Culture and Russian Orthodox Christianity Through Two Centuries | Kan, Sergei. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000), 696 pp., cloth, ISBN 0295978066, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. A look at southeast Alaskan ethnography and history, from 1834 to the present. |
Miner, Preacher, Doctor, Teacher: Stories of an Odyssey from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Ketchikan, Alaska, to a Pioneering Medical Career in Oakland, California | Loomis, Frederic; compiled by Lee Sims. (Walnut Creek, CA : Hardscratch Press, 2000), 128 pp., paper, ISBN 0962542997, order from Wizard Works, P.O. Box 1125, Homer, AK 99603-1125. Alaskan portion includes a description of turn-of-the-century life at the Prince of Wales Island mining camp of Dolomi. |
Pilots of the Panhandle | Ruotsala, Jim. (Juneau, Alaska : Seadrome Press, c1997), 120 pp., paper, ISBN 0965883000, available from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801. LC97-091980. Volume one of projected series on history of aviation in southeast Alaska from 1920 to 1935. |
Southeast Alaska: Early Photographs of the Great Land | Wilson, Graham. (Whitehorse: Wolf Creek Books, 1999) 128 pp., paper, ISBN 0968195547, Box 31275, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5P7 Canada. A keepsake book of 125 familiar and unfamiliar historical photographs taken up through the 1920s. |
Survey of historic buildings, Deermount Street widening project, Ketchikan, Alaska (project no. 70629) | by Rolfe G. Buzzell. Published/Created: Anchorage, Alaska (P.O. Box 107001, Anchorage 99510-7001): Office of History and Description: v, 29 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Notes: "June 1993." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 27-29). |
Tongass: Pulp Politics and the Fight for the Alaska Rain Forest | Durbin, Kathie. (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, c1999), 328 pp., paper, ISBN 087071466X , 101 Waldo Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-6407. Environmental advocate's account of the history of two pulp mills in Southeast Alaska that harvested low-cost timber from the Tongass National Forest from their establishment after World War II to the present and the ecological, political, and social consequences of their rise and fall. |
Troll King: Glimpses of a Unique Southeast Alaska Lifestyle | Sabella, John. (Seattle, WA: John Sabella & Associates, 1997), 143 pp., paper, ISBN0925720190, po Box 17392, Seattle, WA 98107. wln97128434. Profiles Keane Gau who stalked salmon with hook and line in the wilds of Southeast Alaska. |
USS Saginaw in Alaska Waters, 1867-1868 | DeArmond, Robert N. (Kingston, Ont. ; Fairbanks : Limestone Press : University of Alaska Press [distributor], 1997), 145 pp., cloth, ISBN1895901103 (Alaska history no. 46), P.O. Box 756240, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6240. The first U.S. warship built on the Pacific coast sails the inner waterways of Southeast Alaska to explore and survey, but ends up taking punitive actions against several Tlingit settlements. |
When the Wind Was a River: Aleut Evacuation in World War II | Kohlhoff, Dean. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1995), 248 p., ISBN 0295974036, cloth, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Relates the tragic story of the Aleuts who were relocated to camps in Southeast Alaska, a completely different environment, and left to cope with these changes, and of their return to their villages to find the devastation there. LC 95-017676. |
Where can I buy one of these?: a History of Ketchikan, Alaska’s Business Community | by Patricia Roppel, Published/Created: Wrangell, Alas. : Farwest Research, c1999. Description: 60 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Notes: Includes index. |
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