![]() ![]() KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH & Prince of Wales - Hyder Census Area |
Alaska State Library | ||
Alaska Digital Archives | ||
Simon Paneak Memorial Museum | Physical
location: 341 Mekiana Road Mailing address: PO 21085 Anaktuvuk Pass, AK 99721 Phone: 907.661.3413 Fax: 907.661.3414 |
Nunamiut Eskimo history and traditions; tools clothing; skin tent; caribou; hunting; fishing; trapping; trading. Guided tours, formal education programs for students; loan exhibits; special events. Educational materials, local Native crafts, gift items and other museum related items for sale in shop. |
Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum | 4721
Aircraft Drive Anchorage, AK 99502 Phone: 248.5325 Fax: 248.6391 |
20 aircraft of various types including a 1928 Stearman C2B, a 1934 WACO YKC, a 1929 Travelair 6000B, a 1937 F-24-G, a 1937 Stinson SR9 "Gullwing," a 1943 Grumman Goose and a 1943 PBY 5A Catalina Canso. Exhibits include The Aleutian Campaign during WWII; Wiley Post and Will Rogers; the search for Carl Ben Eielson; historic polar flights and much more. A selection of historic aviation videos, pioneer pilots and their achievements is shown in the theater. Museum shop sells models, pins, clothing, stuffed animals, postcards, jewelry and other items relating to aviation. A flight simulator is included in the cost of admission. |
Alaska Heritage Museum at Wells Fargo | 301
W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK. 99510 |
Featuring large collections of Alaskan Native artifacts and Alaskan fine art, the museum also highlights the history of Wells Fargo during the Alaskan Gold Rush. |
Alaska Historical Society | P.O.
Box 100299 Anchorage AK 99510-0299 Tel: (907) 276-1596 |
Masonic Library and Museum |
(Current closed. Will be relocating) Physical
location: |
Library / museum of books and objects associated with Freemasonry- its history and philosophy-with an emphasis on Freemasonry in Alaska. Some general Alaskana. |
Alaska Museum of Natural History | 201
N. Bragaw Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone (907) 274-2400 |
Largest exhibits of rocks, minerals and exciting rare fossils in the state. Learn about North America's oldest duckbill dinosaur found in the local Talkeetna Mountains, as well as our major dinosaur discoveries of the 90s. Dioramas rich in ecology, large mammals and birds. |
Alaska Native Heritage Center | 8800
Heritage Center Drive Anchorage, AK 99506 (907) 330-8000 - Phone (800) 315-6608 - Toll Free (907) 330-8030 - Fax |
Striving to preserve the Native culture and heritage of the Alaskan people, the museum offers village exhibits, bringing to life the ways of the Aleut, Alutiiq, the Yup'ik and Qargi peoples. |
Alaska State Trooper Museum | Physical
location: 245 W. Fifth Avenue Mailing address: PO 100280 Anchorage, AK. 99510-0280 Phone: 800-770-5050 Fax: 279.5054 |
The history of law enforcement in the Territory and State of Alaska is told in exhibits, memorabilia and photographs. A small gift shop is also located on the premises. |
Anchorage Museum of History & Art | 625
C Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone (907) 929-9200 tel Fax (907) 929-9290 fax |
Not only an art museum, the second floor gives visitors 15,000 square feet of Alaska history!. The exhibits are simply brimming with artifacts and displays devoted to the history of Alaska, the Aleuts, Eskimos and Indians, Learn about the gold rush, Russian settlement, WWII and the inception of Alaska as part of the United States. |
Z. J. Loussac Public Library | 3600
Denali Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone (907) 343- 2975 |
This is where the genealogy society meets. Also the society provides volunteers in the library's gen. dept. on Wed's. Access available to Heritage Quest census records thru the library's on line site. WONDERFUL. Anybody with a library card can access the site on-line. |
Anchorage Museum - Rasmuson Center | 121
West 7th Avenue Anchorage 99501 Phone: 343.4326 Fax: 343.6149 |
Exhibits and collections represent Alaska's Natives, state history, and Alaskan art. Spacious galleries house informative and educational exhibits of the permanent collection and temporary exhibits from around the world. Education-based programs include: classes, tours, lectures, performances, and films. Special exhibits, classes and events for children. Facilities include: museum shop, cafe, library and archives. Accredited by the American Association of Museums. |
Crow Creek Mine | Crow
Creek Mine P.O. Box 113 Girdwood, AK 99587 Phone (907) 229-3105 |
Search for gold nuggets in a well-known gold mine which has produced over 45,000 ounces of gold! Try you luck, pan for gold and learn what the work of a miner was like during the gold rush days of Alaska. Location is on Seward Highway about one hour south of Anchorage, Alaska. |
Eklutna Historical Park and Museum | 16515
Centerfield Drive Suite 201 Eagle River AK 99577 |
Oscar Anderson House Museum |
420 M Street |
Built in 1915 by Oscar Anderson (the city butcher), this was the first permanent frame home in Anchorage. Anchorage's only house museum (c. 1915), located adjacent to the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail with a sweeping vista of Cook Inlet. During guided tours, visitors will learn about the early history of Anchorage (Tent City, the Alaska Railroad, the land auction) and about Oscar Anderson, a Swedish immigrant and Anchorage pioneer and businessman, and his family. One of the city's first privately built permanent family residences, the small wood frame house has been restored to the 1915-1925 time period and contains many original fixtures and items belonging to the Anderson family, including a 1909 Hallet and Davis player piano. |
Russian Orthodox Museum | 605
A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907.276.7257 Fax: 907.274.7257 |
Objects representing history of the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska. |
ANVIK | ||
Anvik Historical Society and Museum | PO
110 Anvik, AK 99558 email: donnamac@mcgrathalaska.net |
Collections include local Athabaskan artifacts from mid-19th century to the present, historic photographs and artifacts from the Anvik Mission ( Episcopal) established in 1887, household articles and trade goods from the early 20th century. |
Inupiat Heritage Center | Physical
address: 5421 North Star Street Mailing address: PO 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Phone: 907.852.0422 Fax: 907.852.4224 |
Located in Barrow, Alaska which is known as "The Rooftop of the World", the center tells the story and teaches the culture of the Inupiat people of Alaska. These Eskimo people were excellent whalers and crafters, living in one of the harshest climates on earth. |
Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center and Museum | Physical
location: 420 Chief Eddie Hoffman Hwy Mailing address: PO 219 Bethel, AK 99559 Phone: 907.543.1819 Fax: 907.543.1885 |
The Yupiit Piciryarait Museum and gift shop are conveniently located in the same building which houses the Regional Cultural Center and the University of Alaska, Kuskokwim Campus Library. The Museum has three galleries. One gallery is reserved for permanent exhibits of clothing, household, hunting and gathering implements used by the people of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in ancient and contemporary times. Two galleries are reserved for short term exhibitions. The Museum Gift Shop specializes in Alaska Native art work of the region. |
Circle Historical Museum | Physical
location: Mile 128 Steese Highway Mailing address: PO 30189 Central, AK 99730 Phone/Fax: 907.520.5312 |
Mining equipment, gold display; artifacts from the local area; restored and fully outfitted miner's cabin; wildflower display. |
Ashby Memorial Museum Copper Valley Historical Society |
location: Mile 101 Old Richardson Highway Copper Center Loop Road Mailing address: PO 84 Copper Center, AK 99573 Phone: 907-822-3922 |
Housed in rustic log cabins, the museum offers the visitor a unique look at the varied past of the Copper River Valley area. Exhibits include early mining of gold and copper, and Russian artifacts. |
Alaska Homestead and Historical Museum | Physical
location: Mile 1415.4 Alaska Highway 1 mile south on Darshorst Rd. Mailing address: PO 389 Delta Junction, AK 99737 Phone: 907.895.4431 |
Tour of an Alaskan homestead. Includes a tour of the homestead log house, green house and gardens, visiting an authentic Alaska freight dog team, having a look around the barns, corrals and out buildings, viewing livestock and an authentic operating sawmill that furnishes all the lumber used on the homestead. Also view a large selection of historical farming and mining equipment. |
Delta Historical Society | PO
1089 Delta Junction, AK 99737 |
Provides exhibits at Rika's Roadhouse and Sullivan Roadhouse |
Rika's Roadhouse and Landing | Physical
location: Big Delta State Historical Park Mile 275 Richardson Highway Mailing address: PO 1229 Delta Junction, AK 99737 Phone: 907.895.4201 Fax: 907.895.4188 |
Rika's Roadhouse and Landing is in a ten-acre state park on the shores of the Tanana River. The Valdez-to-Fairbanks Trail ran through here and continued across the river, aided by a ferry. The roadhouse was built to accommodate the travelers and is a National Historic Site. The museum is a separate building behind the roadhouse and has displays of artifacts from the Alaskan life. There is a beautiful barn and two other historic display cabins set up to show how the military lived as they put in a telegraph line through here which opened up communication to Washington for the first time. |
Sullivan Roadhouse Historical Museum | Physical
location: Mile 266 Richardson Hwy Delta Junction, AK Mailing address: PO 987 Delta Junction, AK 99737 Phone: 907.895.5068 or 907.895.4415 Fax: 907.895.5141 |
The Sullivan Roadhouse Historical Museum is housed in the oldest roadhouse in the interior of Alaska and is located in the heart of Delta Junction at the End of the Alaska Highway. Built in 1905 by John and Florence Sullivan, the log lodge now houses a museum that focuses on the Valdez-Fairbanks Trail and the roadhouses that operated along its route. Beautifully recreated rooms, as well as interpretive exhibits give our visitors a real feel for life in turn of the century Alaska. Outside, one can enjoy a garden exploding with colorful wildflowers, a traditional vegetable garden/potato patch and interpretive pathways. Located across from the Delta Visitor Center, the Sullivan is a great stop along the trail of Alaska's history. |
Sam Fox Museum |
location: 306 D Street, West |
Large collection of Central Yup'ik objects; part of Sam Fox (Yup'ik carver) collection; Truman Emberg papers; original Constitution of State of Alaska (with Emberg's signature); large basket collection; skin sewing & fur exhibit. Dave and Mary Carlson collection. |
EAGLE | ||
Eagle Historical Society and Museums | Physical
location: Eagle's Historic District Mailing address: PO 23 Eagle City, AK 99738 Phone/Fax: 907.547.2325 |
Exhibits in six restored historic buildings dating from the end of the 19th century: James Wickersham's first Courthouse, U.S. Custom House, the Improved Order of Red Men Lodge and three Fort Egbert buildings, all with period furnishings. Displays with photographs on the Gold Rush town, military fort and commercial center with judicial, communication, transportation, construction, agriculture, mining, pioneer activities and social organizations, schools, military, customs and Han Indian exhibits. All are located in the Eagle Historic District which is a National Historic Landmark. Museum gift shop offers books, items and crafts of the local area. Historic and current videos are shown weekly. Large archives and photograph collection available to the public. Videos and lectures are scheduled weekly, June through August. |
Fairbanks Genealogical Society | P.O.
Box 60534 Fairbanks, AK 99706 |
Fairbanks Community Museum | Physical
location: 5th & Cushman in Old City Hall Mailing address: 410 Cushman Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: 907.457.3669 |
This museum tells of the history of Fairbanks and was founded to help revitalize the downtown area. Features interpretive displays, period artifacts, newspapers, archival photos, extensive dog mushing memorabilia, and the official Yukon Quest store. |
Pioneer Air Museum | Physical
location: Pioneer Park 2300 Airport Way Mailing address: PO 70437 Fairbanks, AK 99707-0437 Phone: 907.451.0037 or 907.452.5609 |
Discover the birthplace of Alaska aviation-16 aircraft, 41 engines, 50 years of aviation radio history; miscellaneous memorabilia of Interior and Arctic Alaska aviation history including the remains of Carl Ben Eielson's Hamilton aircraft, pictures and WWII artifacts. Operated by the Interior & Arctic Alaska Aeronautical Foundation. Museum shop sells books, pins, post cards, and shirts. |
of the North at University of Alaska. |
address: 907 Yukon Drive Mailing address: PO 756960 Fairbanks, AK 99775-6960 Phone: 907.474.7505 Fax: 907.474.5469 |
The art exhibits include ivory carvings, Alaska Native arts and artifacts, paintings and sculpture. Other exhibits help visitors understand the peoples and history of each region of Alaska. |
Pioneer Museum in Pioneer Park | Physical
location: Pioneer Park 2300 Airport Way Mailing address: PO 70176 Fairbanks, AK 99707-0176 Phone: 907.456.8579 |
Pioneer Museum displays historical collections of photos and artifacts of Fairbanks and the Fairbanks mining district from its beginnings in 1902 and early days through World War II. The show, "The Big Stampede" portrays the Gold Rushes to the Klondike and to Fairbanks. It comes alive through the brush of Fairbanks' and Alaska's premiere artist, C. "Rusty" Heurlin. It is dramatically lit as one progresses through history, guided by the descriptive narrative of Alaska Poet Laureate Ruben Gaines. |
Wickersham House Museum | Physical
location: Pioneer Park Airport Way Mailing address: PO 71336 Fairbanks, AK 99707 Phone: 907.455.8947 (unreliable during the winter) |
A small house museum, dedicated to the life and times of Judge James Wickersham and his familyduring the years 1900-1910. House, furnishings and decor are authentic to the time period and to the Wickersham family. |
HOPE | ||
Hope-Sunrise Historical and Mining Museum | Physical
location: Across from post office Mailing address: PO 88 Hope, AK 99605 Phone: 907.782.3740 during summer or 907-782-3115 in winter |
The Hope-Sunrise Historical and Mining Museum exhibits photographs and artifacts of the Turnagain Arm Gold Rush of 1896 and the years since. Displays include a road grader, dog sled, rock crusher, blacksmith bellows and postal boxes. In addition to the log museum building there is a mine bunkhouse and a blacksmith shop. |
Alaska State Archives | PO
Box 110525 141 Willoughby Avenue Juneau, AK 99811-0525 Phone 907.465.2270 Fax: 907.465.2465 |
Alaska State Museum | 395
Whittier Street Juneau, AK 99801-1718 907.465.2901. Fax: 907.465.2976 |
Established in 1900, the Museum collects, exhibits, and interprets the human and natural history of Alaska. The Museum features a full-size bald eagle nesting tree and extensive ethnographic exhibits on the cultures of Alaska's Native people. Two galleries offer changing exhibits. Docent tours scheduled throughout the summer. Arboretum on grounds features Alaska plants. The Museum provides statewide museum services and assists in the development of the state's cultural and historic resources. The Museum Store, operated by the Friends of the Alaska State Museum, offers a wide array of Native arts, publications, and educational materials. Accredited by the American Association of Museums. |
Juneau-Douglas City Museum | Mailing
Address: 155 South Seward Street Juneau, Alaska 99801 Physical Location: corner of 4th and Main Street (907) 586-3572 |
Exhibits and videos feature early Juneau life and gold mining history. Large relief map of Juneau, 500-700 year-old basketry-style fish trap, visitor information, historic downtown Juneau guide, and museum shop available. Art exhibits featuring local artists change Oct-April, local history exhibits change throughout the year. |
Channel Historical Society |
Box 21264 Juneau, AK 99802 Phone: 907-586-5338 |
History of Juneau | Online | |
Last Chance Mining Museum |
PO Box
21264 |
Located in the historic compressor building associated with the former Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company which operated in Juneau from 1912 until 1944. The museum features one of the world's largest air compressors and other industrial artifacts associated with hard rock gold mining. The site also includes electric locomotives and rail cars which hauled men to the mine and ore to the mill. Access to the museum is via a short hike up the hill on a trail of uneven terrain-well worth the effort. Museum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and Alaska Gold Rush Properties. |
Historical Collections Alaska State Library |
Address: PO Box 110571 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0571 Physical Location: 8th Floor State Office Building 333 Willoughby Ave. Juneau, Alaska Phone: 907.465.2925 Fax: 907.465.2990 |
Egan Library - University of Alaska Southeast | 11120
Glacier Hwy (BE1) Juneau, AK 99801 Circulation: 796-6300 Reference: 796-6502 Toll Free: 877-796-6502 Fax: 907-796-6302 |
Sealaska Heritage Institute | One
Sealaska Plaza, Suite 301 Juneau, Alaska 99801 Phone (907) 463-4844 Fax (907) 586-9293 |
Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) is a regional Native nonprofit organization founded for the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people of Southeast Alaska. SHI was established in 1981 by Sealaska Corp., a for-profit company formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). |
House of Wickersham | Physical
location: 213 7th Street Mailing address: 400 Willoughby Ave. Juneau, AK 99801 Phone: 907.586.9001 or 907.465-2453 |
Historic home of Judge James Wickersham, first Alaska territorial delegate to Congress, Gold Rush judge, proponent of "home rule" and noted historian. Wickersham family heirlooms and Native arts and crafts, furniture, concert square piano. |
Alfred Starr Nenana Cultural Center | Physical
location: 415 Riverfront, Nenana Mailing address: PO 70 Nenana, AK 99760 Phone: 907-832-5527 Fax: 907-832-5503 |
The history and culture of Nenana area including Athabaskans, beadwork, land claims, native place names, Yukon 800 riverboat racing, dog mushing and the Nenana Ice Classic are presented. Extensive gift shop with local Native made items. |
Colony House Museum / Palmer Historical Society |
location: |
The house is an original "Colony Farm House" built expressly for the New Deal resettlement project sponsored in 1935 by the Roosevelt Administration. Visitors will learn the history of the Colony project, often first hand, from descendants of the original colonists who staff the house and serve as tour guides. The house is furnished ca. 1935-45, displaying some original furnishings supplied by Sears and Roebuck for the colonists. |
Palmer Museum of History and Art | Physical
location: 723 S. Valley Way (In the Palmer Visitors Center) Mailing address: 723 S. Valley Way Palmer, AK 99645 Phone/Fax: 907.746.7668 |
depicting the Greater Palmer Regions art, history, and development: Alaska
Native, Mining, Homesteading, Farming, 1935 Colony Project, Matanuska
Maid Dairy. Agricultural showcase of Alaska vegetation, vegetable gardens
with famous giant vegetables. |
Talkeetna Historical Society | Physical
location: Corner of First Alley & Village Airstrip Mailing address: PO Box 76 Talkeetna, AK 99676 Phone: 907.733.2487 Fax: 907.733.2484 |
History of Talkeetna including mining, railroad and flying. A 12-foot by 12-foot scale model of Mt. McKinley with photographs. Also mountain climbing displays. |
Trapper Creek Museum | Physical
location: Mile .75 west of Parks Highway on Petersville Road Mailing address: PO Box 13011 Trapper Creek, AK 99683 Phone: 907.733.2557 |
The museum
highlights the history of Trapper Creek, Cache Creek Mining District and
Petersville Road. Displays include maps, pictures and artifacts reflecting
the Gold Rush. The Trapper Creek area was settled in 1959 by a caravan
of people who traveled from Michigan. Commonly referred to as the "59ers,"
those who stayed settled and homesteaded in Trapper Creek. They were solely
dependent on the railroad for transportation, which meant crossing the
Susitna River to reach the tracks. It was not until the mid-1970s that
the community became linked to the Parks Highway |
Dorothy Page Museum and Old Wasilla Townsite Park |
323 North Main Street Wasilla, AK 99654 Phone: 907.373.9071 Fax: 907.373.9072 |
history of mining, farming, Alaska Native and natural history; and historic
buildings. Much of the collection is owned by the Wasilla-Knik-Willow
Creek Historical Society. |
Knik Museum | Physical
location: Mile 13.9 Knik Road Mailing address: 300 N. Boundary Street Suite B Wasilla, AK 99654 Phone: 907.376.2005 Fax: 907.373.9072 Email: wkwchistorical@hotmail.com |
Located on the world-famous Iditarod Trail and housed in one of the two remaining buildings from Knik's original townsite, the Knik Museum features the Sled Dog Musher's Hall of Fame on the second floor. The museum building was previously used as a pool hall and roadhouse, and now contains a collection of clothing, dishes, furniture and artifacts from Knik's earlier days. Operated by the Wasilla-Knik-Willow Creek Historical Society. |
Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry | Physical
location: Mile 47, Parks Highway on Museum Drive Mailing address: PO 870646 Wasilla, AK 99687 Phone: 907.376.1211 Fax: 907.376.3082 |
More than 200 major artifacts include aircraft, construction and mining equipment, tractors and farm machinery, fishing boats, railroad locomotives and road vehicles. From manpower through the steam age, to modern aviation, descriptive signs let the machines tell the story of Alaska's development. An exhibit on Alaska's many railroads is housed in three W.W.II troop sleepers and a caboose. Expanded indoor gallery exhibits greet visitors year-round. Special summer events include the "Blast from the Past" and "Great Alaskan Antique Power Show." Atwood Park welcomes family and group picnics. |
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