Candle. Pop 250. A p o and mining settlement on the
Seward Peninsula, settled in 1900, 10 miles south of Keewalik, its
shipping point, and 200 ne of Nome, its nearest banking point. It lays
along the Keewalik River at its junction with Candle Creek. Considerable
timber is to be found 20 miles to the south. The principal industry is
gold and mining. H Robinson, P M. [page 143]
Alaska Tel & Tel Co, R S
Dimmick mgr
Bear Creek Ditch Co, A Rydeen mgr, mining
Candle Creek
Hydraulic Mining Co
Candle Hotel (John Herbert)
Candle Trading Co
(R G Roberts), gen mdse
Dankart Chas, mgr Kotzebue Lighterage Co
Davison D H, miner
Dimmick R S, mgr Alaska Tel & Tel Co
Durkee A,
Eubanks Alfred, miner
Evans Benj, clk L L Mason
Hospital, Curtis Welch phys in charge
Fox Arthur, miner
& Robinson, H Robinson mgr, gen mdse
Halloran Edwd, miner
Hamburger John, freighter
Hanson Edwd, mining
Herbert John (Candle
Hick Geo W, miner
Humber R H, dep U S Marshal
Frank, miner
Kennedy J Chas, mining
Kotzebue Lighterage Co, Chas
Dankart mgr
Kronquist Terry, mining
_urth Louis, blksmth
Leichenberg John, miner
McDonald Duncan L, mining
McGinnis John,
McIntosh Alex, mining
Manuel E, miner
Mason L L, gen mdse
and saloon
Murphy John A, miner
Pearce E E, mining
Roberts R G
(Candle Trading Co)
Robinson H, mgr Greenberg & Robinson and
Rydeen A, mgr Bear Creek Ditch Co
Schmiel S A, miner
Smith E Mrs, restaurant
Sandquist L H, mining
Swanson Oscar, miner
Thorpe John, miner
Wippleman Fred, freighter
U S Marshal, R H
Humber deputy
Valine N J, mining
Welch Curtis, phys in charge
Fairhaven Hospital
Candle Creek. A mining settlement on a creek of the
same name 280 miles ne of Nome. P O name is Candle. [page 144]
Cape Blossom. A mining settlement on the extreme
eastern p__ of Kotzebue Sound, 45 miles n of Deering. Kotzebue is the p
o. [page 144]
Blain F H, trader
Brenoda Isidore, mgr Greenberg,
Robinson & Magids
Cape Espenberg. A cape and
settlement on the extreme southern part of Kotzebue Sound, 40 miles nw
of Deering, its p o. [page 144]
Cape Krusenstern.
A cape and native settlement in the extreme northern jpart of Kotzebue
Sound, 30 miles nw of Kotzebue, its nearest p o. [page 144]
Deering. Pop 200, of which 100 are whites. A p o on Good Hope Bay at the mouth of Immachuck River, first settled in 1901, 200 miles n of Nome and 40 miles w of Candle, nearest banking point. The Friends Mission and government reindeer station are located here. Mining principal industry. Mail semi-weekly. Alaska Tel & Tel Co. [page 178]
Friends Mission. Pop 200. A mission on a peninsula in Kotzebue Sound, first settled in 1897. It is 350 miles nw of Nome and 100 n of Candle. For names see Kotzebue. [page 263]
Keewalik. A mining settlement 10 miles n of Candle, the
nearest supply point and p o. [page 347]
Dankert Chas (Kotzebue Sound
Lighterage Co)
Donehover P K, miner
Greenberg, Robinson & Magids,
John Leichenberg mgr, gen mdse
McNeil Patk, miner
Pacific Cold
Storage Co, Thos Hull agt
Rich Louis (Kotzebue Sound Lighterage Co)
Todhunter John, trader
Kiana. A discontinued p o on the Squirrel River, a
tributary of Kobuk River, 60 miles ne of Kotzebue, the nearest p o and
320 by water ne of Nome. [page 371]
Allbright Julius, miner
Anderson Gabe, miner
Baldwin Thos, miner
Black W H, gen mdse
Bossard Otto, miner
Crabtree Jos, miner
Donovan Jas, miner
Doyle Jas, miner
Dyer J B, miner
Flaming Stewart mgr Herbert
Garroute J A, miner
Greenberg Herbert (Nome), Stewart
Fleming mgr, mining
Greenburg, Robinson & Magids, Bernhard Levy mgr,
gen mdse
Hansen Ed, miner
Hawkins Clarence, deputy U S marshal
Heider W H, miner
Levy Bernhard, mgr Greenberg, Robinson & Magids
Marcum John, miner
Moran M F, U S commissioner
Nelson Gordon,
O'Donnell P C, miner
Peterson Thos, miner
Price Fred,
jailer U S Jail
Reed Edwd, miner
Rose W J, miner
Scherman John,
Scherman John, miner
Seiffert G A, saloon
Sieverson Thos,
Sullivan John, miner
Sundstrom Alex, miner
Thompson Jas,
Thompson N S, miner
Vickery C W, miner
Voight Chas, miner
Watson Thos, miner
Weston Al, clk Greenberg, Robinson & Magids
Zoekler Otto, miner
Kotzebue. Pop 200. A p o and trading post, sometimes
called Cape Blossom, but 14 miles n of same, 80 n of Candle, its nearest
banking point and 300 n of Nome. It is the distributing point for the
Kobuk, Noatak and Selawik Rivers. Has three general stores and a
cannery. The government school for natives and Friends Mission are
located here. Mail semi-monthly. [page 376]
Blaine Geo E, trader
Cox W H, trader and U S comnr
Geary Y V, postmaster
Hall R S,
Kotzebue Fur & Trading Co, gen mdse and furs
Midnight Sun
Packing Co, salmon canners
Patterson E E, trader
Robinson Magids &
Co, gen mdse
Reilly. A mining settlement on Dahl and Shungnak creeks, tributaries of the Kobuk River, 215 miles e of Kotzebue, its shipping point, and 350 ne of Nome. Shungnak is the p o, which see. [page 451]
Shungnak. A p o, settled in 1898, on the Shignan River,
a tributary of the Kobuk River, 250 miles ne of Candle, the nearest
banking point, on Kotzebue Sound, 350 ne of Nome, also a banking point,
and 250 e of Kotzebue, its shipping point. Mining is the principal
industry. [page 480]
Bean H A, gen mdse
Dahl John J, miner
John, miner
Eckhart Hugo, miner
Fay Thos, miner
Hill Eric,
Knight Benj F, miner
Leapsheare Ott, miner
Lloyd Lewis,
Moran M F, postmaster and U S commissioner
Mueller Aug,
Myers Eli, miner
Oathenvick Gustav, miner
Ryan Patk,
Shea Thos E, miner
Sniverly W L, miner
Stanley Geo, miner
Stickler Fred, miner
Sullivan Frank, miner
Sullivan Michl, miner
Theilen Harry, miner
Thompson Allen, miner
Twohy Michl, miner
Wilcox A C, miner
Wise John, gen mdse
Tigara. A p o and settlement on Point hOpe in the Arctic Ocean, 260 miles n of Nome, the banking point, and 70 nw of Kotzebue, the nearest shipping point. A U S public school for natives is located here. [page 528]
Extracted 06 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., pages 143-528.
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