Vital Records [B~M~D's] ~ Cemeteries ~ Coroner Records ~ Obituaries and Newspaper 'Gleanings'
Birth Records for the
former Valdez - Cordova Borough [Both Early and Later] The early Birth Records for Alaska are mostly to be found in Russian Church Records:
Family Search has these sets which include filmed records
Alaska, Russian Orthodox Church records, 1845-1917
Author:Russian Orthodox Church of America. Diocese of Alaska; Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic
Church of America. Diocese of Alaska; Alaska. State Archives (Juneau)
Index to baptisms, marriages and deaths in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church
in Alaska 1867-1889
Author: Russian Orthodox Church of America. Diocese of Alaska
Index to baptisms, marriages and deaths in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church
in Alaska, 1900-1936
Author: Dorosh, John; Dorosh, Elizabeth; Russian Orthodox Church of America. Diocese of Alaska
Index to baptisms, marriages, and deaths in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church
in Alaska, 1890-1899
Author: Kalnins, Zuzanna Dagmara; Russian Orthodox Church of America. Diocese of Alaska
With some diligent searching I was able to find a lot of FS Films for Vital Records
Here is a chart for Vitals of the Valdez Area [B-M-D's]
Here is a chart for Vitals of the Cordova Area [B-M-D's]
Family Search ~ Michigan Marriages
This link is for folks born in Alaska and who married in Michigan: 1868 - 1925 [Available Info: Full Name, Place of Marriage, Residence, Place of Birth, Age, Occupation, Officiant, Witnesses]
Sign into your FS Account, then use the above link

The Cemeteries of
Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area, Alaska
as found on F~A~G
Billum Family Cem. ~ Chenega Cem. ~ Chitina Cem. ~ Copper Center Cem. ~ Cordova Cem.
Edwards Family Homestead Cem. ~ Glennallen Cem. ~ Goodlataw Family Cem. ~ Goodlataw Family Plot ~ Gulkana Village Cem. ~ Hobson Family Cem. ~ Indian Cem. ~ Kennecott Cem. ~ Kenny Lake Family Cem. ~ Kluti-Kaah
Lake Side Cem. ~ Lakeview Cem. ~ Latouche Cem. ~ Lincoln Estate Cem.
Marshall Family Plot ~ McCarthy Cem. ~ McCarthy Cem. ~ McNutt Family Cem ~ Mentasta Cem. ~ Mountain View Baptist Church Cem.
Nirvana Park ~ Odiak Cem. ~ Old Eyak Cem. ~ Pioneer Cem.
Sourdough Cem. ~ Strelna Cem. ~ Tatitlek Cem. ~ Valdez Memorial Cem.
Cemetery Records
Copied by members of the L. D. S. Church
in the United States
Typed by members of the Genealogical Society
Salt Lake City, Utah
[Most of these were done in the 1960's]
Volume 61 has 4 Alaska Cemeteries
Egegik and Naknek - Bristol Bay
Seldovia - Kenai
Valdez - Valdex-Cordova] Now:
Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area
The Pages for the 4 above Cemeteries can be found using this link [Searchable pdf]

Coroner Records ~ Inquests
FS has the AK Coroner Records from the Alaska Archives They have been
added to the 'Collections'
Alaska, State
Archives (Juneau), Coroner's Inquests, 1913-1958
There is also a Wiki
which explains the records and lists everything for the entire State
Please Use This Link For The WIKI
I have combined all of the old V-C Probate, Coroner and Guardianship and
Miscellaneous Files and incorporated them into an index that is derived from
the State Archives.
It lists all of the local files along with the Film Numbers. There were a
few folks who were not on the State List, but who had filmed information:
These are designated with **** in the Box Slot. The new index is huge, please
take the to search it for persons of interest.
Below is a list which gives the index and Image Range for the 1914-1956
Coroner Inquest Records: LDS Film # 101033077
A - F: 4 - 8 ~ G - K: 9 - 12 [No L's]
M - R: 13 - 17 ~ S - Z: 18 - 23
Valdez Coroner Films: Family Search
This is a Chart for the Single File Records
Here is the Film for the following folk: Ackerland, John ~ Corbett,
Thomas A ~ Johnson, Sam ~ Mason, Andrew ~ Pearson, Gust ~
This is the link for the Estate Records
There are three more films that could be in value in your research: FS Historical Images
This Chart lists names, Type of File and Film Number
if you are not familiar with 'Docket' Entries, please take the time to
look at this sample
Burial - Removal Permits: Cordova
LDS Film # 106554237: 1915 - 1961
This linked Chart lists Dates and Image Range Numbers
Vital Records ~ Coroner Records ~ Probate Records
Anchorage ~ Palmer ~ Matanuska-Susitna [FS Chart with Film Numbers]

Obituaries and Newspapers
Obituaries: HeritageHub [Includes NewsBank] Also Includes the Copper River
Updated to 31 December 2023
September 2024 Note: I will not be creating any more
Obit Indexes: I have had no queries for them for a couple of years.
But, that said, I will still do lookups on Heritage
Contact: Martha
Note: Heritage Hub is available through many
Local Public Libraries: Access with your Library Card
Obituaries: Alaska Weekly & Alaska Sportsman Index
The book listed above was found in the FS Catalog.
Please use this link for access [Index]
It was published by the Alaska State Library, Juneau, AK
There is no date of publication, but the latest obit is listed for 1966.
Below is a list of the Newspapers and Codes used in the Index
AFN - Alaska Fishing News ~ AS - Alaska Sportsman ~ AW - Alaska Weekly
CDA - Cordova Daily Alaskan ~ CL Chitina Leader ~ CWT - Cordova Weekly Times
DAD - Daily Alaska Dispatch
FDT - Fairbanks Daily Times ~ FWT - Fairbanks Weekly Times ~FST - Fairbanks Sunday Times
JE - Juneau Empire (and its predecessors) ~ KC - Ketchikan Chronicle ~ KWM - Ketchikan Weekly Miner
KDN - Ketchikan Daily News ~ MJ Mining Journal ~ PF - Pacific Fisherman
WS Wrangell Sentinel ~ YVN - Yukon Valley News
I have access to the Library edition, Lookups Available: Send Name & Dates: Martha
Some of the Newspapers might be available in the AK Digital Newspaper Archive
Douglas Island Newspaper: 1898 > 1921
The above newspaper is available on Chronicling America
Please use this link for the pdf index [FS Catalog]
"Tidbits of
Sublette County, Wyoming"
Compiled by:
Anna Lee Woffinden
Please use this Link for Access [FS Catalog]
They contain all sorts of newspaper articles:
Birth, Death, Marriages, Funeral & Burial Announcements and Accidents
Free Digital Newspapers
Digital Historical Newspapers
This Site has a great collection of CA Digital Newspapers
Chronicling America ~ Google News Archives
Century Past ~ Illinois Digital Collection
Historical Newspapers: Indexed by State [Some Free]
Remember: Vital Records can be found in the old Digital Newspapers

"The Fine Print"
Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
AKGenWeb State Coordinator: Norma Hass
Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please review our "Volunteer" page and contact us!
There are many ways to participate. If you have an idea or comment please let us know.
Information contained on all of the pages within the
Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area portion of the AKGenWeb may be used
for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Site Updated: 23 September 2024
AKGenWeb: Online Continuously since 1997
Contact the webmaster