1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory
Wrangell. Pop 1,000. Situated on Wrangell Island, in Etolin Bay, 8 miles s of the mouth of the Stikine River, 120 se of Juneau, and 78 nw of Ketchikan, on the steamboat and mail route between Seattle and Skagway. Established by the Russians in 1800, headquarters for Cassiar miners since the boom of 1873, and for all transportation on Stikine River by steamers and canoes. Celebrated for scenery, fishing and hunting. Local information for sportsmen, and in regard to famous big game hunting grounds on the Stikine furnished free by F Matheson, merchant and forwarding agent. The principal industries are lumbering, fishing, mining and furs. Usual banking point Seattle. Nearest bank, Petersburg. There are 3 churches, 2 schools, hospital, court house, custom house, bonded warehouse, electric light plant, sawmill, canneries, shingle mill, volunteer fire department, 6 general stores, large modern hotel, cable office, U S wireless office, weekly newspaper, U S court commissioner, deputy U S marshal and deputy customs collector. John E Worden, P M.

City Officials
Mayor – John G Grant
Councilmen – John G Grant, Chas Bryant, C A Emery, Leo C Patenaude, Arnt Sorseet, Frank Spalding, Nollie M Tate

Alphabetical List of Names
Adams John, barber
Alaska Fisheries Commission, Fred H Gray and Reginald F Irwin wardens
Alaska Garnet Mining & Mnfg Co, Anna E Durkee sec-mgr
Alaska Packers Assn, Louis Schott supt
Alaska Sanitary Packing Co, Ora A Brown mgr
Alaska Steamship Co, St Michael Trading Co agts (See left top, left side and right bottom lines and pp 96-97)
Amundson Fred, fisherman
Arctic Brotherhood, Camp Wrangell No 28, meets Wednesdays 8 p m, S E Shurick recorder

Bahovec Fred, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Barthold Fred, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Bender John R (Wrangell Photo Show), clk St Michael Trading Co
Benjamin Chas O, groceries, hardware, paints, sporting goods, guns and ammunition, Ansco photo supplies, clothing and men's furnishings
Berg Ludwig, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Berger Wm, logger
Bihler Mary L, tchr Wrangell Public School
Bjorge John G, mgr Columbia & Northern Fishing & Packing Co
Borch Chas H, saloon
Border Line Transportation Co, St Michael Trading Co agts
Bromley Walter, cook Str Alaska
Bronson Fredk E, dep colr U S Customs
Bronson Margaret, bkpr F Matheson
Brown John, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Brown Ora A, mgr Alaska Sanitary Packing Co
Brown Ralph, edgerman Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Bryant Chas, carp, councilman
Bryant C H, trapper

Campbell ernest M, clk F Matheson
Campbell Hiram D, carp
Campbell Leonard, clk St Michael Trading Co
Captain Jinks Co, gen mdse
Card Geo W, logger
Carlson Guy V, miner
Carlson Oscar, carp
Carlstrom Elmer F (Thlinget Trading Co)
Case Lawrence, pressman Wrangell Sentinel
Case Thos, confr
Chamber of Commerce, Leo McCormack sec
Choquette Fredk, fisherman
Choquette John, fisherman
Chung Chas S, grocer
Churchill Frank, capt Str Clatawa
Churchill L N, water supervisor
City Clerk, Paul F Stanhope
City Meat Market (Cassius M Coulter) wholesale and retail dealer in fresh and salt meats, fish and game in season
Clark J S Rev (Presbyterian Church)
Cole J N, tinner St Michael Trading Co
Columbia & Northern Fishing & Packing CO, John G Bjorge mgr
Cooper Jas W, brtndr J G Grant
Coroner, Wm G Thomas
Corser Harry P Rev (St Phillips Episcopal Church)
Coulter Cassius M (City Meat Market)
Coulter Frank L, eng
Coulter Harry R, eng Str Clatawa
Coutts Wm, eng Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Crawford M S, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Cunningham Saml S (Cunningham & Sorset)
Cunningham & Sorset (Saml S Cunningham, Arnt Sorset), saloon

Dalgity Thos, guard U S jail
Darwell Chas, fish buyer
Denningburg Henry, eng, r Wrangell Hotel
Drowatsky Dora, tchr Wrangell Public School
Durkee Anna E, sec-mgr Alaska Garnet Mining & Mnfg Co

Eastman Harry B, shoemkr
Eastman Kodak Co, F Matheson agt
Emery Chas A, dental surgeon, Councilman
Engstrom Adolph, groceries, hardward, clothing, men's furnishings, phonographs and records, general merchandise
Engstrom Adolph jr, clk Adolph Engstrom
Evans J E, filer Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Farrer Frank, master mariner
Feaks Fred, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Ferguson Thos, fisherman
Fletcher Wm, boat bldr
Follansbee Chas, cigars and tobacco wholesale and retail, fishing tackle, barber shop and baths
Freeman R H, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Gartley Harry W, pres Willson & Sylvester Mill Co, clk F Matheson
Gil Nicholas, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Gingrass Frank E (Wrangell Machine Shop)
Goodrich Frank M, planerman Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Grant B Y, clk Donald Sinclair
Grant John G (Wrangell Hotel), mayor of Wrangell (see p 572)
Gray Fred H, warden Alaska Fisheries Comn

Hankins Howard C, master mariner
Harris C C, supt St Anna Cannery
Haskin Geo W, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Haskin Geo W jr, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Haught Philip, fisherman
Healey Maurice, fur buyer
Heinbockle Henry, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Hill Benj F, opr U S Cable Office
Hofstad Edwin, capt U S S Osprey
Hofstad Morten, general merchandise and fishermen's supplies
Hogstram Joh, miner
Holenbeack Hazel, comp Wrangell Sentinel
Hood Wm, cigars
Horgheim Lawrence, whsmn St Michael Trading Co Dock
Howard Richard, logger
Hull Henry, lab
Humboldt Steamship Co, St Michael Trading Co agts

Independent Order of Redmen, Stikine Tribe No 5, M L Churchill chief of records
Irwin Reginald F, warden Alaska Fisheries Comn, r Wrangell Hotel

Jackson Chas N, fisherman
Jackvitz Adolph, fisherman
James Harry, carp Wm Fletcher
Jernigan Lee H, acct Columbia & Northern Fishing & Packing Co
Johnansen Krist J, eng
Johnson Edwd, lab c
Johnson John C, lighthouse kpr
Johnson M O, sawyer Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Johnson Ole, bldg. contr
Johnston David, wood dlr
Johnston Fred S, jeweler
Jule J M, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Kalckbrenner C J, barber
Kalkins A J, fireman Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Katzenmeyer M (Wrangell Machine Shop)
Kronmier Robt, fisherman

La Bounty Geo C, clk F Matheson
Larsen Christian, lab
Larsen Louis, trapper
Lee Albert, master mariner
Lee K S, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Lemieux Antime, saloon
Leonard Fred B (Wrangell Steam Laundry)
Lewis Fred, fish buyer
Lewis Wm, lab
Lewis Wm H, moving pictures
Lillian Nels A, blksmth Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Linderman E Mrs, housekpr Wrangell Hotel
Lindskog Nels, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Lloyd Wm E, fisherman
Loftus Patk, bakery
Lowrey Isaac E (Lowrey & Woodridge)
Lowrey & Woodridge (Isaace E Lowrey, Walter F Woodridge), marble wks
Lucas W A, carp
Lynch Chas, brtndr J G Grant
Lynch Edwd P, clk Wrangell Hotel
Lynch Eleanor, waiter Wrangell Hotel

McCormack Leo, agt Wells Fargo & Co, Express and Standard Oil Co, Sec Chamber of Commerce
McCormack Peter C (St Michael Trading Co-
McDonald Lewis J, logger
McDonald Loretta, bkpr St Micael Trading Co Dock
McGregor W P, cook
McKay Robt, logger
McKinney Marion, sawyer Wrangell Shingle Co
McLean Geo, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
McNurney Michl A, opr in charge U S Cable office
McTague John (Wrangell Meat Market) (See p 572)
Mantel John, cooper
Marshall Melville, fireman
Mason Julius, gas engineer
Matheson F, department store, general merchant and forwarding agt, dealer in trappers and loggers supplies, photo sundries, jewelry and curios, sec Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Mayor of Wrangell, john G Grant
Meek Geo, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Moore Chas, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Moore Elsie, wkr Wrangell Steam Laundry
Morikawa Frank K, restaurant
Mukai H, restaurant
Murray Frank P, master mariner
Myers A M, sawyer Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Nelson Chas, lab
Nore Nels, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Northrop Geo, eng Str Alaska
Nussbaumer Nicholas, millwright

Olsen Alfred, fisherman
Osborn Albert (Wrangell Dairy)
Owens Paul, boat bldr Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Pacific Coast Steamship Co, St Michael Trading Co agts
Palmer Orville C (Wrangell Electric Light & Power Co)
Palmer, Merlin, elec Wrangell Electric Light & Power Co
Parrott Walter E, gardener
Patenaude Leo C, councilman
Paul Louis, fireman Str Alaskan
Perchment Wm, carp
Phillips Harry, planerman Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Pigg Wm J, phys in charge Wrangell Hospital
Presbyterian Church (Rev J S Clark)
Prescott E J, setter Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Pritchett Kate, tchr Wrangell Public School
Purinton Fred, eng

Reade Wm W, boat bldr
Rice Chas, Lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Ronning Jorgen, miner
Ronning Nels, watchman
Rossini Brando, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Royalty Gale, fisherman
Royalty Wm T, fisherman

Saffron Frank, fireman Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
St Anna Cannery, C C Harris supt, fish pkrs
St Leo's Catholic Church (Rev A Sweeve)
St Michael Trading Co (Peter C McCormack), agents Alaska Steamship Co, Border Line Transportation Co, Pacific Coast Steamship Co, and Humboldt Steamship Co, general merchants and forwarders (See adv)
St Michael Trading Co Dock (Peter C McCormack), Leo McCormack Wharfinger
St Phillips Episcopal Church (Rev Harry P Corser)
St Phillips Gymnasium, Rev Harry P Corser in charge
St Phillips Native Guild, Deaconess Ella L Wood in charge
Salvation Army Barracks, R Smith capt
Schleppi Peter, carp
Schott Louis, supt Alaska Packers Assn
Schuler John, plumber
Shadesty Walter, eng Str Alaskan
Shurick Shelby C, phys
Sinclair Donald, gen mdse
Sinclair Wallace, clk Donald Sinclair
Skelton Geo F, brtndr Antime Lemieux
Smith Frank, mgr Wrangell Shingle Co
Smith R, capt Salvation Army Barracks
Sorset Arnt (Cunningham & Sorset), councilman
Spader Albert T, hunter
Spalding Frank, trapper, councilman
Spencer Ernest, tailor
Stackpole Fredk R, eng Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Standard Oil Co, Leo McCormack agt
Stanhope Paul F, publisher Wrangell Sentinel, city clerk
Steadman John W, with St Michael Trading Co
Stevenson Alec, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Stewart Frank J, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Stokell Carl, musician
Storch John G, brtndr Chas Borch
Surkoff John, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Sweeve Rev A (St Leo's Catholic Church)

Taarvig Christ, fisherman
Tamaree Thos, boom man
Tantow Herman, logger
Tate Nollie M, painter, councilman
Taylor Nellie M, tchr U S Public School for Natives
Taylor Wm, eng
Thlinget Trading Co (Elmer F Carlstrom), general merchandise
Thomas, Wm G, U S Commissioner, Recorder and Justice of the Peace, Lawyer, Fire and Marine Insurance
Trotman Edwd, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Twombly Chas, boom man Willson & Sylvester Mill Co

Uhler Ida (wid Henry)
Uhler Marguerite, tchr
U S Army Signal Corps
U S Cable Office, Michael A McNurney opr in charge
U S Commissioner, Wm G Thomas
U S Customs, Fredk E Bronson dep colr
U S Marshal, Harry Wallace deputy
U S Public School for Natives, Nellie M Taylor tchr

Vogue Arthur, lab Wrangell Steam Laundry
Vreatt Alex, mining

Wallace Harry J, deputy U S marshal
Waterbury Arthur, lab Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Waters Walter C, miner
Wells Fargo & Co Express, Leo McCormack agt
Wheeler Jas H (Wrangell Drug Co)
Wiggs Fredk, wood dlr
Willson Fred S, v-pres-treas Willson & Sylvester Mill Co
Willson & Sylvester Mill Co, H W Gartley pres, F S Willson V-pres-treas, F Matheson sec, lumbermnfrs
Wing David L, clk C O Benjamin
Woodridge Walter F (Lowrey & Woodridge)
Worden John E, phtgr, postmaster and notary public
Worden Lynn T, asst postmaster
Worden Nina S Mrs, music tchr
Wrangell Dairy (albert Osborn)
Wrangell Drug Co (Jas H Wheeler)
Wrangell Electric Light & Power Co (Orville C Palmer), electric fixtures and supplies
Wrangell Hospital, Wm J Pigg phys in charge
Wrangell Hotel (John G Grant), the best accommodation in southeast Alaska, bar and billiard hall in connection (See adv)
Wrangell Machine Shop (M Katzenmeyer, Frank E Gingrass), machinists
Wrangell Meat Market (John McTague), dealer in fresh and salt meats, game, fish, vegetables and fruit in season (See adv)
Wrangell Photo Show (J R Bender)
Wrangell Public School, Hiram D Campbell director, F Matheson clerk, Edwin Hofstad treas
Wrangell Sentinel (weekly), P F Stanhope publr
Wrangell Shingle Co, Frank Smith mgr
Wrangell Steam Loundry (Fred B Leonard)

Extracted 02 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., pages 565-573.
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