
Arctic Bush Pilot : From Navy Combat to Flying Alaska's Northern Wilderness Anderson, James "Andy," as told to Jim Rearden. (Kenmore, WA : Epicenter Press, 2000), 255 pp., paper, ISBN 0945397836, P.O. Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Memoirs of a former Navy pilot who pioneered bush plane service in the Koyukuk River area in the 1950s and 1960s.
Cherry Collection of Deg Hitan (Ingalik) Material Culture VanStone, James W. . (Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1996), 58 pp., paper, order from Library Publications Division, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2498. wln96-274058. Description of over a hundred objects collected at Anvik on the lower Yukon River in 1890-92 by Marcus O. Cherry.
Circle Goldfields, 1893-1938 Mertie, John Beaver, and Louis Prindle. compiled by Ron Wendte (Wasilla, AK : Goldstream Publications, 1997), 54 pp., paper, ISBN1886574162. wln98048592. "Circle Goldfields...is part of a group of books belonging to the Alaska geological gold series.... Information in the books is from the United States Geological Survey bulletins."
Fishcamp Joseph, Dorothy Savage. (Bend, Ore. : Maverick Publications, c1997) 143 pp., ISBN 0892882700. wln97256497. An Athabascan Indian tells about growing up in Holy Cross in rural Alaska.
Flat and Iditarod 1993-1995 Oral History Interviews Buzzell, Rolfe G. (Anchorage: Bureau of Land Management and Department of Natural Resources, 1997), 288 pp., comb-bound, order from Office of History and Archaeology, 3601 C Street, Suite 1278, Anchorage, AK 99503-5921. wln98-096752. Summaries of interviews with seven individuals associated with these southwest Alaskan mining communities.
Frank Yasuda and the Chandalar Wolff, Ernest N. (Fairbanks: The Author, 1997), 66 pp., 875 Crazy Horse Way, Fairbanks, AK 99712. wln97139775. Account of a Japanese whaler who jumped ship in Barrow, married an Inupiat woman, and crossed the Brooks Range to found the village of Beaver on the Yukon River; illustrated with photographs.
Genealogical Research at the Yukon Archives by Yukon Archives, 2003, about 80 pages, a listing of available resource material
Gwich'in Native Elders : Not Just Knowledge, but a Way of Looking at the World Wilson, Shawn Stanley.(Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Native Knowledge Network, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996), 62 pp., University of Alaska Fairbanks, Harper Building, PO Box 756730, Fairbanks, AK 99775. wln98039946. First of series entitled "Native pathways to Education," this study examines the role, characteristics, and needs of elders of Fort Yukon.
Historic Building Survey Report, Flat, Alaska Buzzell, Rolfe G., and Darrell L. Lewis. (Anchorage: Bureau of Land Management and Department of Natural Resources, 1997), 187 pp., comb-bound, Office of History and Archaeology, 3601 C Street, Suite 1278, Anchorage, AK 99503-5921. wln98-096353.
Indians of the Tanana and Yukon Valleys, Alaska by Matthew K. Sniffen and Dr. Thomas Spees Carrington
Index Book- Part 1 Book - Part 2
Koyukon Athabaskan Dictionary Jette, Jules, and Eliza Jones. ; editor-in-chief, James Kari. (Fairbanks, AK : Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2000), 1118 pp., ISBN 094539781X (P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680). Rich and extensive source book for this language, drawing upon the extensive Koyukon work of Jesuit missionary and Scholar Jules Jette, later recordings by scholar Eliza Jones, and help from village elders.
Last Settlers, photos by Charles Mason Brice, Jennifer. (Pittsburgh : Duquesne University Press, 1998), 171 pp., cloth, ISBN820702900, 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15282. Begun by the authors, both Alaska residents, in 1991, the examination of the lives of two twentieth-century pioneer families became a documentation of the end of the American migration to the frontier. One of the families settled near Lake Minchumina, the other near the Ahtna village of Slana.
Lost gold mine of the upper Tanana Solka, Paul, Jr. / Fairbanks : Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and Pioneers of Alaska Igloo #4 Foundation, Inc., 1994. 50p. Although its exact location has remained a mystery since 1903, the author recounts the stories that surround this lost lode. wln94-264047.
Prospecting and Mining Activity in the Rampart, Manley Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon Mining Districts of Alaska, 1894 to the Present Era L'Ecuyer, Rosalie E. (Fairbanks: Bureau of Land Management, 1997), 179 pp., paper, order from BLM, Alaska State Office, 222 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 13, Anchorage, AK 99513. wln97-159738. Open file report 61.
Spirit of the Wind : the Story of Alaska's George Attla, Legendary Sled Dog Sprint Champ Freedman, Lew. (Kenmore, WA : Epicenter Press, 2000), 223 pp., paper, ISBN 0945397933, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. Biography of the "Huslia Hustler," a new edition of George Attla : Legend of the Sled Dog Trail, published in 1993.
Stampede For Gold: The Story of the Klondike Gold Rush by Pierre Berton, Sterling Publishing, New York / London, 2007. ISBN-13 978-1-4027-51219. Index.
Stories Told by Our Elders: Stories Collected, Edited and Published by the Students at Te'sek Geht'roonatun Zzeh College Beairsto, Shelagh, project coordinator, Rampart House, (Old Crow: Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Lands & Resources Department, 1993), 70 pp., paper, P.O. Box 102, Old Crow, YT Y0B 1N0. Students of Old Crow College interview elders and visit the site of this abandoned border community on the Porcupine River.
Ttheek'adn Ut'iin Yaaniida' Qonign' = Old-time stories of the Scottie Creek people : stories told in Upper Tanana Athabaskan Tyone, Mary. transcribed and edited by James Kari. (Fairbanks : Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996), 87 p., paper, ISBN1555000592 (PO Box757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680). wln96-269397. Oral history and folklore of the Scottie Creek Athapaskans in the original language with English translation.
Who Lived in this House?: A Study of Koyukuk Semisubterranean Houses Clark, A. McFadyen. , Mercury Series, (Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1996), 282p., paper, ISBN0660159589, (distributed by University of Washington Press, PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096). Study of a house style shared by Inupiat Eskimos and Koyukon Athabaskan Indians in the northwestern interior of Alaska.
Yukon River Guide : a Journey Through Time : From Dawson City to Circle Dick, Gerri and Dean Littlepage. (Anchorage : Alaska Natural History Association, 1998), 63 pp., paperback, ISBN0930931211, 401 West First Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Describes the upper river and its land, the geography and natural history, checklists of gear and of birds, plus 20 maps to follow the route.
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