Juneau Borough

Deaths - P

Name of Deceased * Date of Death * Cause of Death

Panternoble, Fredrick * 10-Mar-1932 * Bronchial Pneumonia

Patterson, Joseph * 19-Nov-1928 * Cerebral Hemorhage

Patzald, Ed * 18-Oct-1928 * Cerebral Hemorhage

Pavich, John * Not Stated * Accident

Pena, Frances * 17-Apr-1928 * Hydrocephalus

Perkins, Fred W. * Not Stated * Myocarditis (Chronic)

Peters, Phillip * 01-Dec-1931 * Bronchial Pneumonia

Peterson, Jack * 29-Jan-1932 * Myocarditis, Chronic Hypertension

Peterson, Male Infant * 20-Dec-1927 * Stillborn

Peterson, Margaret * 22-Jan-1929 * Influenza

Peterson, Ruth * 19-Aug-1931 * Shock caused by Injury

Peterson, Thomas H. * 23-Feb-1932 * Myocarditis

Phillips, Emma * 17-Jun-1932 * Niphritis Chronic

Phillips, Mrs. Alta * 09-Dec-1932 * Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Phirovich, Louis * 09-Feb-1932 * Unknown

Porter, Dwight L. * 21-Oct-1927 * Strangulated Bowels

Preafies, Albert * 22-Dec-1928 * Tuberculosis Meningitis

Price, Frederick * 14-Jan-1929 * Acute Indigestion

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This page was last updated 09/27/2022