

"North to the Future"


AKGenWeb Project is a free family history website, providing information about the history of Alaska and Alaskan ancestors. It serves as a gateway to the project's borough and census area websites, where focus lies on the history and genealogy of each area. It is a member of USGenWeb®. We hope you find interesting bits and helpful clues for your family research.

Please consider contributing your pieces of Alaskan family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Our combined efforts can keep this a great site for all who visit!

AKGenWeb is a totally volunteer project. We greatly appreaciate all our project volunteers. If you would like to join our team, feel free to contact us.

State Coordinator: Norma Hass normahass01@gmail.com

Assistant State Coordinator: Martha Graham macg1840@yahoo.com

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AK Borough Map North Slope Borough Yukon-Koyukuk BristolBay-Dillingham Fairbanks Denali LakeAndPeninsula Aleutians KodiakIsland KenaiPeninsula Anchorage Anchorage Matanuska-Susitna Valdez-Cordova Yakutat SkagwayHoonahAngoon SkagwayHoonahAngoon Haines Juneau Sitka Wrangell-Petersburg Wrangell Ketchikan NW Arctic Nome Bethel-WadeHampton

Borough / Census Area Year
Aleutians East Borough
& Aleutians West Census Area
1987 Randy Cummings
Anchorage Borough 1964 Tim Stowell
Bethel & Kusilvak Census Areas
(fka Wade Hampton)
1980 Martha AC Graham
Bristol Bay Borough
& Dillingham Census Area
1962 Norma Hass
Chugach & Copper River Census Areas
(fka Valdez - Cordova Census Area)
2019 Martha AC Graham
Denali Borough
(fka Mount McKinley)
1990 Available for Adoption
Fairbanks North Star Borough
& SE Fairbanks Census Area
1964 Norma Hass
Haines Borough 1968 Norma Hass
Juneau Borough 1970 Norma Hass
Kenai Peninsula Borough 1964 Martha AC Graham
Ketchikan Gateway Borough
& Prince of Wales - Hyder Census Area
1963 LaRae Halsey-Brooks
& Eireann Brooks
Kodiak Island Borough 1963 Sarah McDonald
Lake and Peninsula Borough 1989 Martha AC Graham
Matanuska - Susitna Borough 1964 Norma Hass
Nome Census Area 1980 Kaelyn Deeter
& Norma Hass
North Slope Borough 1972 Rebecca Maloney
Northwest Arctic Borough 1986 Norma Hass
Sitka Borough 1971 Norma Hass
Skagway Borough
& Hoonah - Angoon Census Area
2007 LaRae Halsey-Brooks
& Eireann Brooks
Wrangell & Petersburgh Boroughs 2008, 2013 Available for Adoption
Yakutat Borough 1992 Available for Adoption
Yukon - Koyukuk Census Area 1980 Available for Adoption


Alaska became the 49th State 03 Jan 1959. Juneau is the capital.

The government of Alaska in common with state and federal governments of the United States, has three branches of government: the executive, consisting of the Governor of Alaska and the state agencies; the state legislature consisting of two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate; (There are 40 House Districts and 20 Senate Districts) and the judiciary consisting of the Supreme court and lower courts.

Alaska has 246 federally recognized tribal governments and one federal Indian (Native American) reservation.

Alaska is divided into 16 boroughs (including unified municipalities), as opposed to "counties." The function is the same, but whereas some states use a three-tiered system of decentralization — state/county/township — most of Alaska only uses two tiers — state/borough. Owing to the state's low population density, most of the land is located in the Unorganized Borough which, as the name implies, has no intermediate borough government of its own, but is administered directly by the state government. For statistical purposes the United States Census Bureau divided this territory into census areas.


Alaska's flag was designed by Benny Benson, a 14-year old student, who entered the Territorial Flag Design contest in 1926. His design paired the Ursa Major (Bear) constellation (aka Big Dipper) with Polaris (aka North Star) on a blue background. "The blue field is for the Alaska sky and the forget-me-not, an Alaskan flower. The North Star is for the future state of Alaska, the most northerly in the Union. The dipper is for the Great Bear - symbolizing strenth."


Alaska's state motto, "North to the Future," was adopted in 1967 during the Alaska Purchase Centennial. The motto is meant to represent Alaska as a land of promise. Suggested by journalist Richard Peter, who stated the motto "... is a reminder that beyond the horizon of urban clutter there is a Great Land beneath our flag that can provide a new tomorrow for this century's 'huddled masses yearning to be free'."

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This page was last updated 03/01/2025