Book 1 - Down in Bristol Bay by Bob Durr
Book 2 - Bristol Bay Basin, by Alaska Geographic Society, Vol. 5 No 3, 1978
Last Name | First Name | Comment | Book | Page |
? | Kinita | Asst to Father Juvenal | 2 | 33 |
Alaska Packing Company | Built cannery at Nushagak Bay in 1885 | 2 | 35 | |
Alsworth | Babe and Mary | Pilot, Bristol Bay residents, retired to Hawaii, son Glen | 2 | 50 |
Alsworth | Glen | Took over bush airline from parents | 2 | 50 |
Alto | Carl | Fisherman, photo | 2 | 72 |
Arctic Pack Company | Built cannery at Nushagak Bay in 1883 | 2 | 35 | |
Armstrong | Dick | Of Dillingham | 2 | 51 |
Bancroft | Hubert | 1886 Alaska historian | 2 | 33 |
Baranof | Alexander | Russian Governor | 2 | 33 |
Bartman | Mrs. Simeon | Photo, of Manokotak village | 2 | 70 |
Behnke | Linda | Of Port Alsworth, photo | 2 | 52 |
Behnke | Steve | Photographer | 2 | 15 |
Bocharov | Demitri Ivanovich | Russian explorer of Bristol Bay area in 1791 | 2 | 32 |
Bradford Company | See Bristol Bay Canning Company | 2 | 35 | |
Brandon | Billy | 1 | ||
Brandon | Dolly | 1 | ||
Brandon | Kenny | 1 | ||
Brennan | P.G. | 1 | ||
Bristol Bay Canning Company | Called Bradford Cannery, built at Dillingham in 1886 | 2 | 35 | |
Carter | J. Scott | Photographer | 2 | 3, 7 |
Carter | J. Scott | Fisherman, photo | 2 | 72, 73, 80 |
Christensen | Michael | Artist, moved to Bristol Bay from California | 2 | 53 |
Chythlook | Tom | Of Aleknagik, photo | 2 | 47 |
Clark | John W. | Chief of Nushagak trading post under early American ownership | 2 | 35, 36 |
Clark | Margaret | Photo at Kvichik Lodge, Igiugig | 2 | 88 |
Cook | Capt. James | Viewed the area on 9 July 1778 aboard the Resolution | 2 | 31 |
Crace | Tim and Marilyn | Moved from Anchorage to Pedro Bay, | 2 | 53 |
Crocker | Bill | 2 | 27 | |
Curtis | Bob | Owner of Tikchik Narrows Lodge | 2 | 48 |
Dennison | Charlie | Came to Lake Clark to prospect for gold in 1932, with son Floyd | 2 | 45 |
Dennison | Floyd | Came to Lake Clark to prospect for gold in 1932, with father Charlie | 2 | 45, 93 |
Deshnev Party | Lost colony of Russians – disappeared in 1648 | 2 | 33 | |
Dodson | Jim | Alaska Air Carriers Assn | 2 | 3 |
Duer | Steve | 1 | ||
Etolin | A.K. | Finn dispatched by Russians to map Bristol Bay coast in 1821 | 2 | 34 |
Evans | Bob | 1 | ||
Faro | James | Photographer | 2 | 19, 61, 62, 88 |
Fox | Sam | Eskimo artist, originally of Goodnews Bay, photo of his dolls | 2 | 53 |
Freeburn | Lawrence | Canneryman | 2 | 3 |
Gill Jr. | Robert | Photographer | 2 | 54, 57 |
Griechen | Alex | Native of Pilot Point, father in law of Monty Hand | 2 | 50 |
Gruening | Senator Ernest | Alaska Senator in 1954 | 2 | 35 |
Gwartney | Lou | Photographer | 2 | 28, 56, 66 |
Hammond | Gov. Jay | Alaska Governor, from Lake Iliamna area | 2 | 43 |
Hand | Monty | Son in law of Alex Griechen | 2 | 50 |
Harrop | Elmer “Red” | Naknek magistrate | 2 | 47 |
Hartmann | Visited area before 1887 | 2 | 31 | |
Hasti | Vi | Moved with family from Kenai to Dillingham, hotel keeper | 2 | 53 |
Hedlund | Nels | Of Chekok, photo, dog mushing postal carrier | 2 | 45 |
Hedlund | Rose | Wife of Nels Hedlund | 2 | 46 |
Henning | Robert A. | Pres – Alaska Geographical Society | 2 | 7 |
Henrie | Bob | 1 | ||
Hereshka | Louie | 1 | ||
Herrmann | Herman | Had hotel at Igiugig | 2 | 89 |
Hill | B.J. and Pete | Kokhanok teachers | 2 | 46 |
Hornberger | Chuck and Sara | Of Lake Clark | 2 | 3, 45 |
Hurley | Fred | Ekwok resident, photo w/garden | 2 | 42, 45 |
Jacko | Gillie | Bear killer, photo with wife, bn north of Whitefish Lake of Eskimo mother and Atahbascan father, Pedro Bay resident | 2 | 43 |
Jackson | Mr. | 1 | ||
Johannsen | Neil | AK-Div of Parks | 2 | 3 |
Johannsen | Neil and Betty | Photographers | 2 | 7, 12, 15, 41, 50, 80, 85 |
Johanson | Danny | 1 | ||
Johanson | Denny | 1 | ||
Johanson | George | Bristol Bay Fisherman | 2 | 3 |
Johnson | Don | Pilot, photo | 2 | 51 |
Johnson | Marlene | Bought Roy Smiths airline business | 2 | 51 |
Jones | Roy | Aviation pioneer | 2 | 85 |
Juvenal | Father | Early Russian Orthodox priest, killed by Ilyamna natives for dabbling with a maiden | 2 | 33 |
Keith | Sam | Wrote One Man’s Wilderness | 2 | 51 |
Khromchenko | Vasily | Dispatched with Etolin to map Bristol Bay coast in 1821 | 2 | 34, 39 |
Kienle | Jurgen | Photographer | 2 | 90 |
Kilbuck | John | Pioneer missionary | 2 | 31 |
Klein | Tom | Wilderness resident | 2 | 8 |
Koktelash | Pete | Photo, Nondalton resident | 2 | 41 |
Krosakovskiy | Petr | 1818 Russian explorer | 2 | 33 |
Lambert | Ted | Alaskan painter, lived in Kvichak | 2 | 53 |
Larson | Johnny | 1 | ||
Mathisen | Dr. Ole A. | Univ of WA – Fisheries, photographer | 2 | 3, 23, 65, 75 |
McDevitt | Glen | Photographer | 2 | 10 |
McDevitt | Glen | Photographer | 2 | 77 |
McKay | Charles | Manager of US Army Signal Corp at Nushagak in 1881. | 2 | 36 |
Merrill | R.H. | Pioneer aviator | 2 | 19 |
Miner | Bill | 1 | ||
Moody | Roland | Photographer | 2 | 82 |
Morgan | Lael | Assoc Editor – ALASKA magazine | 2 | 10 |
Moriarity | Dan | U.W. Fisheries Research Institute | 2 | 71 |
Mulkeit | Willie | 1 | ||
Nelson | J | Photographer | 2 | 13 |
Nicholson | Bobby | 1 | ||
Nicholson | Jerry | 1 | ||
Nowatak | Betsy | Photo of her | 2 | 40 |
Nushagak Packing Company | Built cannery at Clarks Point in 1888 | 2 | 35 | |
Olson | Trygve | Initiated air service at Iliamna | 2 | 51 |
Olympic | Evon | Photo at 119th birthday, South Naknek resident, died 1977 | 2 | 42 |
Osgood | Wilfred | Toured Iliamna, Chulitna and Nushagak in 1902 for Dept of Agriculture | 2 | 37 |
Ostermick | Rollie | Photographer | 2 | 3, 5, 8, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 89 |
Peterson | Ray | Aviation industry | 2 | 86 |
Pierson | John | 1 | ||
Poe | Pat | Univ of WA – Fisheries | 2 | 3 |
Pope | Art | Moved to Pope-Vanoys Landing from Ohio in 1954 | 2 | 45 |
Pope | Gene | 1 | ||
Pope | Matrona | 1 | ||
Pope | Mrs. | Sister of Grant Vanoy, wife of Art Pope | 2 | 45 |
Pope-Vanoy Family | Residents of Pope Vanoys Landing near Copper River | 2 | 45 | |
Popham | Doug | Photo, cross coundry skiing | 2 | 89 |
Proenneke | Richard | Twin Lakes wilderness resident, written about in One Man’s Wilderness, photo | 2 | 50, 51 |
Roberts | Freeman | 1 | ||
Roberts | Freeman | Dillingham mayor | 2 | 47, 48 |
Rogers | Brenda | Photographer | 2 | 82 |
Rogers | Don | U.W. Fisheries Research Institute | 2 | 65, 67, 85 |
Romie | Paul | Of Ekwok, trapper, fisherman, postmaster | 2 | 46 |
Russell | Richard | Photographer | 2 | 55 |
Samuelson | Harvey | 1 | ||
Samuelson | Harvey | Bristol Bay Native Corporation in 1974 | 2 | 81 |
Schanz | Alfred B. | Astronomer, writer, historian. Wrote about Bristol Bay in 1890-91 | 2 | 36 |
Schoeller | Carl | Photo at Kvichik Lodge, Igiugig | 2 | 88 |
Schulte | Mike | 1 | ||
Severson | Martin and Artie | Bought Roy Smiths airline business | 2 | 51 |
Seybert | Orin | Of Ugashik | 2 | 50 |
Shakmut | Chief | 2 | 33 | |
Simmerman | Nancy | Photographer | 2 | 20, 21, 24, 28, 31, 34, 68, 90 |
Simmons | Greg | Photo, fish researcher | 2 | 77 |
Smith | Roy | Pilot, son and daughter-in-law killed in plane crash | 2 | 51 |
Spurr | Josiah | Mapped Nushagak to Kulukak Bay for USGS in 1898 | 2 | 37 |
Steen | Peter | Photo | 2 | 86 |
Thaler | Toby | Photographer | 2 | 78 |
Thompson | Dr. W.F. | Univ of WA – Fisheries director in 1945 | 2 | 76 |
Tibbits, Sr. | George | Of Naknek | 2 | 50 |
Tomalson | Frank | 1 | ||
Trans-Alaska Company | Surveyed winter sled route from Iliamna to Mulchatna and Nushagak | 2 | 37 | |
Travlos | Judy and John | Moved to Port Moller | 2 | 53 |
Van Devere | Betty | 1 | ||
Van Devere | Dyer | 1 | ||
Van Devere | Les | 1 | ||
Vannoy | Grant | 1 | ||
Vanoy | Grant | Iliamna Lake resident (Pope-Vanoy’s Landing), photo | 2 | 44 |
Vasiliev | Ivan Filippovich | 1829 Russian explorer | 2 | 34 |
Veniaminof | Father | Russian priest | 2 | 33 |
Wassenkari | Ole | Age 79 in 1978, gardener and trapper, resident of Ole Creek on Kvichak River | 2 | 48, 49, 50 |
Weinland | Visited area before 1887 | 2 | 31 | |
Westfall | Steve | Photographer | 2 | 95 |
White | Capt. J.W. | Commander of US revnue cutter Wayanda | 2 | 35 |
Wickersham | Rep. James | Denounced fish packers in 1912 | 2 | 38 |
Wien | Noel | Aviation pioneer | 2 | 85 |
Williams | Carl | 1 |
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