History ~ Biography ~ Maps ~ What's New ~ "Old V-C Files" ~ Odds and Ends ~ Lookups
A bit of History for Cordova
And... the Exxon Valdez

Biographies - Personal Sketches There were a two Biographies found in the old V-C Files:
Binek, Donald H ~ Thompson, Tommy & Sadie +++~?~+++
There are several Biographical Histories about "The Frontier" They can be found on either Google Books or the Archive.org Site
Here is the index for the 1994 Edition "Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography" by Dan L Thrapp
"Pan Pacific Who's Who"
Copyright 1941
Honolulu Star- Bulletin, LTD, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.
The Book can be Read Online or Downloaded
or I will send Scans of Interest. Contact:
Please use this link for the chart with the Bios for Alaska
Howes, Durward, 1899- Publication date, 1937 - V2 There are two interesting Indexes: Geographical, Occupational There is one page of Necrology [Names, no Dates, A - K] The Biographies are Alpha and split into Sections.
The Indexes and Sections are Here
Read Online or Download [Archive.org] +++~?~+++
"100 Alaska Bush Pilots"
Compiled by:
Anchorage Centennial Commission, June 1967
Available from
"Tewkesbury's Who's Who in Alaska"
[Includes Business Index]
David & William Tewkesbury 301 Goldstein Building, Juneau, Alaska
200 Lyon Building, Seattle, Wash. 1947, Tewksbury Publishers
The Biographies are brief, but interesting.
There is no Index to the book, so I have split out the brief bios:
A - G ~ H - L ~ M - R ~ S - Z Then I split out the Business Listings so the files are not so large.
A - C ~ D - I ~ J - W
The whole Book can be downloaded from the FS Catalog +++~?~+++
"The Alaska-Yukon Gold Book"
"A Roster"...Argonauts of the Klondike gold stampede...Pioneer days and subsequent development of Alaska
and the Yukon Territory"
Compiled, edited & published by Sourdough Stampede Ass'n, Seattle WA, 1930
This is a really interesting book, full of names and bits and pieces of Alaska History.
Including, but not limited to:
The Bandit Prince of Skagway ~ The Sheep Camp Snowslide ~ Marine Disasters [1913]
Northern Fraternity ~ Alaska Yukon Pioneers ~ Ladies of the Golden North
Sourdough Stampede Ass'n [Roster w/Portraits]
The book is a fully searchable pdf and can be downloaded from
One last book which is, I think, essential to Alaska History is Bancroft's "Works" The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft Vol XXXIII - History of Alaska: 1730 - 1885
The Index is here ~ Read Online or Download

David Rumsey ~ Historic Map & Atlas Collection Note: The Rumsey Collection now features a way to search Text on Maps
Perry-Castaneda ~ Map Collection Earthquake Fault Maps
Humboldt State University Map Collection
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Railroad Maps
And, of course ,
Google Earth
Alaska Mining Claims "Mapper"

>>>What's New<<<
Medical and Surgical Directory of The United States R L Polk & Co, Publishers, 1886
This is the link for the AK Files
There is also information on the following: Officers Of the Medical Department of the United States Army And Hospital Stewards. Medical Corps of the United States Navy Medical Officers Of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Including Acting Assistant Surgeons And Hospital Stewards.
Medical and Surgical Register of The United States R L Polk, Publishers, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago 1890
This is the link for the AK Pages
There is also information on the following: Officers Of the Medical Department of the United States Army And Hospital Stewards. Medical Corps of the United States Navy Medical Officers Of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Including Acting Assistant Surgeons And Hospital Stewards.
Note: Polk's Medical Register and Directory of North America
There are quite a few: Scroll Years: 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1890, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1917 +++~?~+++
The Family Search Historical Image Section has a nice selection of BIA Family Census [Village] Records I had a difficult time trying to find a definitve explanation of the process by which the information was gathered. There was really nothing to find, but from looking at the files, two things stand out:
I did manage to find this... However... 1: Teachers gathered from either students or parents information and recorded it on printed forms 2. BIA Agents or their Assistants recorded information 'on site' on printed forms. This is evident in the fact that they entered data on living conditions. The time frame for the Information found ranges from about 1913 to 1972.
Explanation about "Roll Numbers" Below is an index of the Information available on Family Search. There are also films in the National Archives, Archive.org Site and Access Genealogy. Here are some 'Sample' Census Files - These were downloaded from Family Search.
Paimiut Family Census: 1939 ~ Halibut Cove Family Census: 1938
Chevak Family Census: 1962 - Note Redacted Information
Cordova: Alaska Medical Services - Family Folder: 1934
Now... Here are searchable and linked pdf's that will enhance your searching. Please Use This Link Family [Village], Census, Chevak, Copper Center, AK Family [Village], Census, Cordova, Chugash CA, AK Family [Village], Census, Fortuna Ledge, Kusilvak CA, AK Family [Village], Census, Halibut Bay, Kenai Peninsula, AK Family [Village], Census, Ouzinkle, Pilot Station, Lake & Peninsula Borough, AK Family [Village], Census, Pimute - Port Moller, Kusilvak CA,AK
The Chart below has the basic film Numbers, but the pdf's have the individual item links.

The National Archives has a really nice set of digitized records that can be freely accessed. The Collection is Extensive and Informative: Please use this link for access. [Archival Databases] +++~?~+++
Alaska State Library Interesting Collections: Genealogical Resources ~ Historical Collections ~ Historic Alaska Newspapers and more... +++~?~+++
Goodies from the 'WayBack Machine"
Alaska Railroad: Archived Websites: From 2007 and on...

Family Search: Historical Images There is a new set of Historical Images for the Valdez-Cordova Census Area; Pages 1 and 2 Dayville: School Records ~ McIntosh: Draft Records ~ Nuchek: Parish Records Valdez: Civil Dockets, Civil Case Indexes, Coroner's Inquests, Court Rec's, Criminal Court Rec's, Death Certificates, Land Estate Rec's, Probate Estate Cases, Wills, Power of Attty,
Resources: "Alaska as part of the Russian Empire"
This is a Searchable and Linked pdf for all the Categories Below

Miscellaneous School Census Records: Please use this LInk
There are Criminal / Court Films in the Historical Images Section If you are interested, Please use this Link
Village Census Rolls:
Mentasta. Federal Population Census Records 1950 May 1950, Verna A Jensen: 2 Pages Headings; Surname, Given, Sex, DOB, POB, Degree of Blood Marital Status, Relationhip to Head, Remarks
Village Census Rolls: M
Mentasta Lake. Federal Population Census Records 1956 [Headings are the same as above] Date: July 1956, R B Greene: 4 Pages
There is a great site that has all sorts of links to free Historical and Genealogical Data
"The Ancestor Hunt" Digital Newspapers ~ Year Books & Alumni Books School Records ~ Obituaries ~ Coroner, Mortuary & Cemetery Records BMD's ~ Birth & Marriage Records ~ Divorce & Death Records ~ Probate & Tax Records ~ Institutional & Military Records Naturalizations & Immigration ~ Criminal & Digital Archives ~ Directories ~ Photos & Voter Records

Valdez - Cordova Old Files There were a number of Files that were contributed by former CC's & Volunteers. Most, if not all, of them have been converted into searchable pdf files.
Boat Registrations:
A - L
M - Z
Aircraft Registrations
~ SS Death Index ,
1915 Cordova Directory
1915 Valdez Directory
Obituaries & Death Notices Carmen, Evelyn P ~ Dale, Raymond ~ Ford-Everett, Jeweldean Gurther, Stanford J Sr ~ Hazelet, George C [Mrs] ~ Joe, Harold H Kopp, Walter W ~ Lowney, George M Jr ~ Smith, Dorothy A W Stickman, Ivan ~ Tyone, Frank D

Odds and Ends
The Murder of Hank Bell, Chitina, 1949, Case 388, File #49-1 Court Case: US vs Charles Phillips: 'Murder in the 2nd Degree, 2 March 1949 LDS film #101201353 ~ Images: 1297 - 1310
And Coroner's Inquest: Harold Edward Bohren 29 June 1954 LDS file# 101201353 ~ Images 1311-1331
"The Sinking of the SS Princess Sophia: 25 October 1918" The Grounding and Sinking of the SS Princess Sophia in 1918 is one of the greatest disasters of Alaska History. There has been much written along with speculation as to what happened. All Crew and Passengers perished in the early morning.
It is not the intention of this writer to re-hash the disaster, but was intrigued when I found a Film in the FS Catalog that had 'Information Sheets' on the deaths of some of the Passengers and Crew.
So, in the interest of creating a new resource to enhance the wealth of data available on the Disaster, I have copied one of the Original Lists of Crew & Passengers [Found Here] and added information from the Film [#106554339]
"Alaska, information sheets on deaths from the wreck of the steamer Princess Sophia Skagway to Vancouver, voyage no. 319, 1918"
It is my hope that the result will be beneficial to those who might be interested and that it will be of use in their family research.
The film has 153 Images, obviously not all of the Passengers and Crew are represented as there were over 300 aboard. I have no idea if there are more of these 'Information Sheets' - I did check the AK Archives and found no additional forms.
There are two pdf files with the compiled data: Passenger List and a Crew List.
Information in brackets is 'added information' - Where a person was listed with just initials and then found with a whole name on the Info Sheet, it was added.
Additionally, there seemed to be folks with 'Info Sheets' who were not on the Original Ship Manifest, those are entries are highlighted in blue on the pdf's - both Passenger and Crew.
Oregon, Washington and Alaska Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1901-1902 / R. L. Polk & Co. ( no place given prob.Portland, OR, 1901), p. 1-185 (to be cont.), 1901-1902
Digital Images 357 - 504 - Film #4213242 [Scroll Down, File is at the bottom of the Page]
Alaska Pioneer Home: 1913-1962
[FS Catalog]
There is a lot of valuable information in this book.
Names, Dates of Birth, Nativity, Arrival in Alaska
Alaska Pioneer Home: Discharge Records, LDS Films
[1913-1958] USGenWeb® Archives Access: Tables of Contents
This Link is a searchable pdf file which contains all the links to the Archives. Each link is fully functional and will access the section for your use.

Lookups There were no Lookup Volunteers listed on the old V-C Pages. So... But, that said, I have access to the following Subscription Databases and am happy to do limited lookups: Databases [Library Editions] ~ Newspapers.com ~ HeritageHub [Includes NewsBank]
Library Edition: My Heritage - Collections Census & Voter Lists ~ Histories, Memories & Biographies ~ Birth, Marriage & Death Public Records ~ Schools & Universities ~ Directories, Guides & References Maps ~ Immigration & Travel ~ Books & Publications Military ~ Newspapers ~ Family Trees ~ Photos ~ Government, Land, Court & Wills
Lookups: Contact Martha
'History Hub' = New Lookup Service
Search for Living People: Zaba Search
 "The Fine Print" Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham AKGenWeb State Coordinator: Norma Hass Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please review our "Volunteer" page and contact us! There are many ways to participate. If you have an idea or comment please let us know.
Information contained on all of the pages within the Chugach Census Area & Copper River Census Area portion of the AKGenWeb may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes. Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due:
Site Updated: 4 September 2024 AKGenWeb: Online Continuously since 1997
Contact the webmaster