

"North to the Future"


Deaths at Cushman Indian School

The following list includes people who died at Cushman Indian Hospital in Washington State between 1929 and 1941. Almost all the deaths were from tuberculosis. The Puyallup Indian Tribe is searching for anyone who might have information about the hospital or the boarding school that preceded it - including friends, relatives and descendants of people who went there. Original spellings and ethnic affiliations have been preserved.

Name - Tribe, From

Absolum, Rosalie- Alaskan Indian
Antioquia, Annie - Thlimget Indian, Sitka
Christensen, Thomas - Eskimo, Kanakanak
Dirks, George - Alaskan Indian
Frank, Ralph - Haidi Indian, Hydaburg
George, Isaac - Eskimo, Okayak
James, William - Alaskan Indian, Haines
Jones, Pauline - Alaskan Indian, Ketchikan
Kasakan, James - Alaskan Indian, Sitka
Kyloo, Mark - Eskimo, Tanunak
Marmilick, Barbara - Aleut, Cosmoplis, Wash.
McCamant, Abraham - 1/4 Bequimoux, Kotzebue
Milton, Delaine (Selins) - Eskimo, Yakutat
Murphy, John Eskimo-Aleutian, Naknek
O'Connor, Roy Indian, Nome
Otetie, Tootsie - Alaskan Indian
Pankiak, Anna - Alaskan Indian, Kanakanak
Ptarmigan, Albert - Eskimo, White Mountain
Tarkanoff, Vera - Indian, Unalaska
Wright, Patsy - Alaskan Indian, Haynes

Source: Unknown

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This page was last updated 07/10/2023