

"North to the Future"


Bibliography - P

Pacific Northwest Lighthouses: Oregon to the Aleutians Roberts, Bruce and Ray Jones. (Old Saybrook, Conn.: The Globe Pequot Press, 1997), 88 pp., paperback, ISBN0762700823, P.O. Box 833, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. A collection of photographs and textual descriptions of the lighthouses, with some historical ones sprinkled throughout.
Paddlewheelers of Alaska and the Yukon Wilson, Graham. (Whitehorse, Yukon: Wolf Creek Books, Inc., 1999) 112 pp., paper, ISBN 0968195555, Box 31275, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5P7 Canada. A keepsake book of historical photographs of paddlewheel steamboats on the Yukon River.
Paleo-Anthropology of the Early Eskimos Debets, G. F. (Ipiutak and Tigara), translated by Richard L. Bland (Anchorage: National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program, 1999) ca. 75 pp., comb-bound, 2525 Gambell Street, Room 107, Anchorage AK 99503-2892. Translation of a 1986 study of human remains collected by Froelich Rainey and Helge Larsen at Point Hope between 1939 and 1941.
Pan-Pacific Who's Who published in 1941.
ebook available to read at Internet Archive
Pancakes & Coffee: a Solo Canoe Trek through the Alaska Wilderness Myers, Gary Lee. (Joliet, IL: D & C Myers Publications, 2000), 167 pp., paper, ISBN 0966817613. An adventure-seeker takes his canoe on an exploration of Alaska and finds what he seeks.
Papa was a Bush Pilot Pollen, Sally McMahan. (Palmer, Alaska: S.M. Pollen, 2000), 120 pp., paper,HC 01 Box 6005D, Palmer, AK 99645. Chronicle of a family's adventures during half a century in Alaska.
Passage to Juneau: A Sea and Its Meaning Raban, Jonathan. (New York: Pantheon Books; Random House, 1999) 435 pp., cloth, ISBN 0679442626, or paper, ISBN 0679776141, 1-800-726-0600. "[Raban] has taken the travel book as the chosen vehicle of his imagination, the form through which he can best express himself and explore the process of his own life's unfolding."
Paugvik: a Nineteenth-Century Native Village on Bristol Bay, Alaska Dumond, Don E., and James W. VanStone. (Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1995), 109 p., Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496. (One of series: Fieldiana: Anthropology, new series, No. 24. Results of archaeological excavations at an important settlement on the Alaska Peninsula. wln95-187739.
ebook available to read online at Internet Archive
Pay Dirt: Fortunes and Misfortunes of an Alaska Gold Miner Hahn, Otis and Alice Vollmar. (Fairbanks: Epicenter Press, 1998), 158 pp., paperback, ISBN0945397682, Box 82368, Kenmore, WA 98028. After spending much of his first fifty years dreaming of mining for gold in Alaska, the author turned his Minnesota farm over to his son and headed north to follow his dream.
Penny: Half Coyote, or Half Wolf - and All Heart Moore, Delores L. (Anchorage, AK: Lighthouse Publications, 1966), 155 p., paper, ISBN1888844000 (PO Box 210288, Anchorage, AK 99521-0288). LC96-76842. A dog shares the life of a family that moves to Kodiak following the Good Friday Earthquake in 1964.
People of Alaska Rennick, Penny, ed., vol. 21, no. 3, Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 96p. Short biographies and conversations with some interesting Alaskans. ISBN1566610222.
People of the Ice and Snow Time-Life, (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1994), 192 p., ISBN 0809495624(trade), ISBN 0809495635 (lib.bd), cloth, 777 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Heavily-illustrated overview of traditional northern cultures; Alaskan Rosita Worl, now of the Smithsonian Institution, was a general consultant for the book. LC 94-016653.
People of the Noatak Fejes, Claire.. Volcano, CA: Volcano Press, 1994. Reprint of the 1966 edition. In the 1960s, artist Claire Fejes made five long visits to the people of two Eskimo villages--Noatak and Point Hope. Paintings and drawings. ISBN1884244009. LC93-47388.
Peoples of the Great North: Art and Civilisation of Siberia Gorbatcheva, V. M. (Valentina Mikhailovna). / with Marina Federova ; avec le concours scientifique de Marine Le Berre Semenov ; translation from French, Mike Darton (New York: Parkstone Press, 2000), 216 pp., cloth, ISBN 1859954790. Beautifully illustrated volume by ethnologists presents an overview of indigenous peoples, their traditional way of life, world concepts, and the influence of environment.
Photographs of Men in Alaska 1850s - 1900s (some of the captioned names Rev. J. W. Allen, Rev. J. A. Annin, Rev. R. L. Arnold, Miner W. Bruce, Rev. J. C. Caldwell, Rev. A. R. Day, Y. L. Derby, J. C. Eastman, William Elder, Rev. John Frottingham, Rev. James Frottingham, Rev. Henry B. Gage, John Gage, Bruce Gibson, C. Goula, Chas. E. Hedges, Melanethon Hughes, Rev. A. H. Kerr, Rev. Geo W. Leonard, Rev. James G. Lowrie, E. G. Roadberg, Rev. D. Lyon, Rev. Wm. Mercer, Eliphalet Nott, Henry K. Palmer, Rev. C. Stuart Ross, J. S. Sheehan, Rev. Wm. Speer, Rev. Robert Strong, Rev. Wm. Howell Taylor, Charles Thayer, Rev. Josiah Welch, Charles H. Young)
130-page album available to view at Internet Archive
Pictorial Guide to Skagway and its History Godesky, James. (Juneau, Alaska: Golden North, 1995), 64 p., paper, P.O. Box 329, Skagway, Ak, 99840. Overview of Skagway for the tourist: includes photographs and list of places to see . LC 94-239134.
Picture Journeys: in Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias: America's Largest National Park Herben, George.(Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books, c1997), 126 pp., cloth, ISBN 0882404962; paper, ISBN0882404903, order from PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97210. LC97-000848. Photos of a trip through the wilderness that includes McCarthy, Kennecott and many landscapes and wildlife.
Picturesque Alaska: A Journal of a Tour Among the Mountains, Seas and Islands of the Northwest, from San Francisco to Sitka by Abby Johnson Woodman, Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1889.Book now online.
Pilots of the Panhandle Ruotsala, Jim. (Juneau, Alaska: Seadrome Press, c1997), 120 pp., paper, ISBN 0965883000, available from Hearthside Books, 8745 Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801. LC97-091980. Volume one of projected series on history of aviation in southeast Alaska from 1920 to 1935.
Pioneer Settlers of Anchorage, Alaska Barry, Mary J. Jack and Nellie Brown: (Anchorage: MJP Barry, 2000), 142 pp., paper, ISBN 0961700971, order from Cook Inlet Book Company, 415 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Life stories of the first permanent residents of Anchorage, who arrived on their honeymoon in 1912 and stayed until their deaths six decades later.
Pioneering in Alaska: a true account Weschenfelder, Ernest. / Anchorage AK: Vintage Print Co. (7312 Huntsmen Cr., Anchorage AK 99518), 1993. Boyhood in Douglas and Spuhn Island, Alaska - includes fishing, hunting and fox farming. wln94-329399.
Place Beyond: Finding Home in Arctic Alaska Jans, Nick. (Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Books, 1996), cloth, ISBN 0882404776 (PO Box 10306, Portland, OR 97210). LC96-19763. Essays on the rhythms of arctic life and adventure that the author finds around his home, the Eskimo village of Ambler, Alaska.
Place of the Pretend People: Gifts from a Yup'ik Eskimo Village Kremers, Carolyn. (Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Books, 1996), 239 p., cloth, ISBN0882404784, LC 96013098. The author reflects on her experiences while a teacher of music and English in Tunanak on Nelson Island and what her impressions are now.
Polar Journeys: The Role of Food and Nutrition in Early Exploration Feeney, Robert E. (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1997),304 pp., cloth, ISBN 0841233497, or paper, ISBN 0-912006-97-8, PO Box 756240, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 9975-6240. LC97-049810. Biochemist presents case that explorers lived and died by the quantity of their food and the quality of their nutrition.
Polar Peoples: Self-Determination and Development Minority Rights Group, editors. (London: Minority Rights Publications, 1994), 270 p., ISBN 1873194560, ISBN 187319451x, paper, 379 Brixton Road, London, UK SW9 7DE. History and current issues facing northern indigenous peoples, including chapters on Greenland, the Russian Far North, Alaska, Canada's Inuit, and the Saami of Lapland. LC 94-204813.
Polar pioneers: John Ross and James Clark Ross Ross, M. J. / McGill-Queens University Press, 1994. John Ross and his nephew James were British naval officers who sought the Northwest Passage in the Eastern Arctic during the early part of the 19th century. James also explored the Antarctic. Biography reveals the personalities and scientific and other contributions to world exploration. ISBN773512349. cn940900427-8.
Polar Tourism: Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions edited by Colin Michael Hall & Margaret E. Johnston (Chichester {England} ; New York: Wiley, c1995.), 329 p., ISBN 0471949213, cloth, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 IUD, England. Essays on tourism issues: environmental concerns, social impacts on indigenous peoples, and search for management solutions in both the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. LC 94-32093.
Politics and Government in Alaska's Past: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Juneau, Alaska, October 4-7, 1995 (Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1995), 190 p., ISBN 0940521067, comb-bound, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK 99510-0299. Twelve papers presented at the conference. wln96-155349.
Practical Grammar of the Central Alaskan Yup'ik Eskimo Language , with Yup'ik Readings Jacobson, Steven A. written by Anna W. Jacobson (Fairbanks, AK: Alaska Native Language Center and Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1995), 548 p., paper, ISBN 1555000509, P.O. Box 755040, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040. LC 94-16979.
Prehistoric Alaska Rennick, Penny, ed. , vol. 21, no. 4, Alaska Geographic / Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society (POB 93370, Anchorage, AK 99509), 1994. 116p. Exceptional issue details prehistory of the land, animals and people of Alaska. Explores Alaska from the formation of the land, through the ages of dinosaurs and woolly mammoths up to the arrival of the first humans via the Bering Land Bridge. With geologic timeline. ISBN1566610249.
Prehistory of the Northwest Coast Matson, Richard G. (San Diego: Academic Press, 1995), 364 p., cloth, ISBN 0-12-480260-5, 6227 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887. LC 94-020599.
Prevention, response, and oversight five years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill: Proceedings of an International Conference, March 23-25, 1994, Anchorage, Alaska (Fairbanks, AK: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, 1995), 392 p., paper, ISBN 1566120330, P.O. Box 755040, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5040. Participants included university researchers, agency staff, as well as members of the Coast Guard and citizens' advisory groups.Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 95-02. wln95-157101.
Private Journal: Kotzebue Sound to San Francisco, August 12 - September 7, 1881 Nelson, Edward William (1881 handwritten journal) approx. 80 pages. This field book documents Nelson's field research of the zoology, geology, meteorology, and ethnology of Alaska.
ebook available to read online at Internet Archive
Private Journal: Kotzebue Sound to San Francisco, September 8 - October 20, 1881 Nelson, Edward William (1881 handwritten journal) approx. 80 pages. This field book documents Nelson's field research of the zoology, geology, meteorology, and ethnology of Alaska.
ebook available to read online at Internet Archive
Privileging the Past: Reconstructing History in Northwest Coast Art Ostrowitz, Judith. (Seattle; Vancouver: University of Washington Press; UBC Press, 1999) 201 pp., cloth, ISBN 0295978147, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096. Approaches questions of authenticity and tradition in Northwest Coast art through a careful consideration of replicas, reproductions, and creative translations of past forms of Northwest Coast dances, ceremonies, masks, painted screens, and houses.
Prospecting and Mining Activity in the Rampart, Manley Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon Mining Districts of Alaska, 1894 to the Present Era L'Ecuyer, Rosalie E. (Fairbanks: Bureau of Land Management, 1997), 179 pp., paper, order from BLM, Alaska State Office, 222 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 13, Anchorage, AK 99513. wln97-159738. Open file report 61.
Prudhoe Bay Governor: Alaska's Keith Miller Miller, Keith Harvey., as told to Joseph Edward Maynard. (Anchorage: Todd Communications, 1997), 296 pp., cloth, ISBN 1878100998, 203 W 15th Avenue, Suite 102, Anchorage, AK 99501. LC97-60349. Life story of Alaska's governor from 1969 to 1970.
Prudhoe Bay-Discovery to Recovery! Rutledge, Gene. (Anchorage: Wolfe Business Services, 1998), 144 pp., paperback, ISBN0932571034,6930 Oakwood, Anchorage, AK 99507. Energy scientist and former project leader of Governor Hammond's effort to address Alaska's energy resources, operations and issues compiles the story of the people and organizations who made the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System possible, from the discovery of resources to its 20th anniversary.
Purchase of Alaska by Archie Shiels, 1967
Puyulek Pu'irtuq! = The People of the Volcanoes: Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve Ethnographic Overview & Assessment Morseth, Michele. (Anchorage: National Park Service, Lake Clark / Katmai National Park and Preserve, 1998), 186 pp., paper, ISBN0941555054, request from National Park Service, 4230 University Drive, Suite 311, Anchorage, AK 99508. Illustrated history of this remote National Park unit on the Alaska Peninsula.

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