

"North to the Future"


Bibliography - XYZ

Yakutat Fish Train: An Historic Overview of the Yakutat and Southern Railroad Located in Yakutat, Alaska Gillette, Gary H. ([Juneau?]: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Southeast Region, 1998), 19 pp., paper, 6860 Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK 99801-7999. Illustrated account of a ten-mile rail line which operated from 1903-1969, hauling raw fish to a cannery.
Yukon Alone: the World's Toughest Adventure Race Balzar, John. (New York: Henry Holt, 2000), 304 pp., cloth, ISBN 0805059490. "An inside look at the world's most grueling contest follows participants in the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race on a 1,023-mile race across frozen rivers, icy mountain passes, and state-sized tracts of uninhabited land to complete the course."
Yukon Fact Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Yukon Zuehlke, Mark. (Vancouver, B.C.: Whitecap Books, 1998), 220 pp., paperback, ISBN1551107163, 351 Lynn Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C4. Essential factual information for residents and visitors reflecting the territory's unique heritage, from agriculture to woolly mammoth.
Yukon Presbyterian: An Unauthorized Biography (100 Years of Presbyterian Work in the Northern Parts of Alaska) O'Connell, Rev. Ms. Dianne., (Anchorage: Yukon Presbytery, 1999), 342 pp., spiral-bound, 616 West Tenth Avenue, Anchorage AK 99501. An illustrated denominational history covering mission work, churches, people and issues in four regions of the state: northwest arctic, arctic, interior, and south-central.
Yukon Quest: The 1000-Mile Dog Sled Race Through the Yukon and Alaska Firth, John. (Whitehorse, Yukon: Lost Moose, the Yukon Publishers, 1998) 277 pp., paper, ISBN 1896758037, 58 Kluane Crescent, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 3G7. This insider's view of the legendary race between Fairbanks and Whitehorse includes anecdotes from all the races (1984-1997) plus all results and rules.
Yukon River Guide: a Journey Through Time: From Dawson City to Circle Dick, Gerri and Dean Littlepage. (Anchorage: Alaska Natural History Association, 1998), 63 pp., paperback, ISBN0930931211, 401 West First Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. Describes the upper river and its land, the geography and natural history, checklists of gear and of birds, plus 20 maps to follow the route.
Yukon River in Alaska's History: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alaska Historical Society, Fairbanks, Alaska, October 7-9, 1993 (Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 1995), 230 p., ISBN 0940521024, comb-bound,P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK 99510-0299. Nineteen papers presented at the conference. wln94-228328.
Yukon Riverboat Days Yardley, Joyce. (Blaine, WA: Hancock House Publishers, 1996), 192 p., paper,ISBN0888393865 (PO Box 959, Blaine, WA 98231-0959). LC97-113868. Memories of paddlewheel steamboats on the Yukon River.
Yup'ik Dialect Atlas and Study (Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1998 Jacobson, Steven A., 224 pp., paperback, ISBN1555000665, Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757680, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680. Chiefly black and white maps, though some in color, depict the distribution of word choices by village when a given item has two or more Yup'ik equivalents.

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