Bethel-Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska
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The AKGenWeb Project & The USGenWeb® Project Welcome:
My name is Martha and I will be your host for 'all things' in this part of our world.
I do not live in Alaska so cannot do 'on the ground research'
but, that said, I am an excellent online researcher and might be able
to find that 'missing portion of your Ancestral Pie'
Please use this Link for Contact: Martha

Table of Contents
History ~ Biography ~ Maps ~ What's New ~ "Old" Bethel Files ~ Odds and Ends
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Obituaries ~ Newspapers ~ Lookups ~ Family ~ Vital "Odds"
Military ~ Family Search Historical Images ~ Native American's
<New Site>
"Alaska Additions" - New
Resources to enhance your visit to the AKGenWeb [Off Site]
Bethel - Kusilvak Census Area: Neighbors
Bristol Bay Borough & Dillingham ~ Kenai Borough
Lake & Peninsula ~
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Yukon - Koyukuk
Towns & Villages: Historical and Otherwise
Search Bethel - Kusilvak Census Area Pages

History ~ Biography ~ Maps ~ What's New ~ "Old Bethel Files" ~ Odds and Ends
A little History... Bethel, at its original location, was a Yup'ik village called Mumtrekhlogamute, meaning "Smokehouse People," after the nearby fish smokehouse. It was an Alaska Commercial Company trading post during the late 1800s. It had a population of 41 people in the 1880 U.S. Census. The Moravian Church established a mission in the area in 1885, under the leadership of Rev. John Henry Kilbuck, Jr.
Kilbuck learned Yup'ik, which greatly enhanced his effectiveness as a missionary. Missionaries moved Bethel from Mamterillermiut to its present location on the west side of the Kuskokwim River. A United States Post Office was opened in 1905. Alaska Natives in this area also have a long Christian history, in part from Russian Orthodox, Catholic and Moravian influence. As in many Alaskan villages, Christian tradition has become interwoven with its cultural history. Kusilvak Census Area was formerly known as Wade Hampton Census Area. The new name appropriately reflects and respects the culture and history of Alaska. Kusilvak is a Yup'ik name meaning "the high one." Kusilvak Mountain is the higest mountain in the area, located between Scammon Bay and Mountain Village.
Biographies - Personal Sketches
I have been able to find some Biographies and 'Sketches' in a few books.
There were two Bio's in the old Bethel-Kusilvak files:
Martin Bugge ~ Amanda Reed Mc Farland
"Pan Pacific Who's Who"
Copyright 1941
Honolulu Star- Bulletin, LTD, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.
The Book can be Read Online or Downloaded
or I will send Scans of Interest. Contact: Martha
Please use this link for a Chart with the Bios for Alaska:
"100 Alaska Bush Pilots"
Compiled by: Anchorage Centennial Commission, June 1967
Available from the FS Catalog
"American Women : The official who's who among the women of the nation" by
Howes, Durward, 1899- Publication date, 1937 - V2 There are two
interesting Indexes: Geographical, Occupational There is one page of
Necrology [Names, no Dates, A - K] The Biographies are Alpha and split into
The Indexes and Sections are Here
Read Online or
Download [] |||☺|||
"Tewkesbury's Who's Who in Alaska"
[Includes Business Index] David & William Tewkesbury 301 Goldstein Building, Juneau, Alaska 200 Lyon Building, Seattle, Wash. 1947, Tewksbury Publishers
The Biographies are brief, but interesting.
There is no Index to the book, so I have split out the
brief bios:
A - G ~ H - L ~ M - R ~ S - Z Then I split out the Business Listings so
the files are not so large.
A - C ~ D - I ~ J - W
The whole Book can be downloaded from the FS Catalog |||☺|||
The Alaska-Yukon Gold Book "A Roster"...Argonauts of the Klondike gold stampede...Pioneer days and subsequent development of Alaska and the Yukon Territory"
Compiled, edited & published by Sourdough Stampede Ass'n, Seattle WA, 1930
This is a really interesting book, full of names and bits and pieces of Alaska History.
Including, but not limited to:
The Bandit Prince of Skagway ~ The Sheep Camp Snowslide ~ Marine Disasters [1913]
Northern Fraternity ~ Alaska Yukon Pioneers ~ Ladies of the Golden North
Sourdough Stampede Ass'n [Roster w/Portraits] The book is a fully searchable pdf and can be downloaded from the FS Catalog: Please use this link
One last book which is, I think, essential to Alaska History is Bancroft's "Works"
"The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft"
Vol XXXIII - History of Alaska: 1730 - 1885
The Index is here ~ Read Online or Download
David Rumsey ~ Historic Map & Atlas Collection
~ Perry-Castaneda ~ Map Collection
Note: The Rumsey Collection now features a way to search Text on Maps
Earthquake Fault Maps American Georgaphical Society Library - Digital Map Collection
Humboldt State University Map Collection
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps ~ Railroad Maps
And, of course , Google Earth Alaska
Mining Claims "Mapper"
Medical and Surgical Directory of The United States R L Polk & Co,
Publishers, 1886
This is the link for the AK Files
There is
also information on the following: Officers Of the Medical Department of the
United States Army And Hospital Stewards. Medical Corps of the United States
Navy Medical Officers Of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Including
Acting Assistant Surgeons And Hospital Stewards.
Medical and Surgical Register of The United States R L Polk,
Publishers, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago 1890
This is the link for the AK Pages
There is also information on the following: Officers
Of the Medical Department of the United States Army And Hospital Stewards.
Medical Corps of the United States Navy Medical Officers Of the U. S. Marine
Hospital Service. Including Acting Assistant Surgeons And Hospital Stewards.
Note: Polk's Medical Register and Directory of North America
There are quite a
few: Scroll Years: 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1890, 1893,
1896, 1898, 1917 |||☺|||
The Family Search Historical Image Section
has a nice selection of BIA Family Census [Village] Records I had a difficult
time trying to find a definitve explanation of the process by which the
information was gathered. There was really nothing to find, but from looking at
the files, two things stand out:
I did manage to find this... However... 1: Teachers gathered from
either students or parents information and recorded it on printed forms 2.
BIA Agents or their Assistants recorded information 'on site' on printed forms.
This is evident in the fact that they entered data on living conditions. The
time frame for the Information found ranges from about 1913 to 1972.
Explanation about "Roll Numbers" Below is an index of the Information
available on Family Search. There are also films in the
National Archives, Site and
Access Genealogy. Here are some 'Sample' Census Files - These were
downloaded from Family Search.
Paimiut Family Census: 1939 ~
Halibut Cove Family Census: 1938
Chevak Family Census: 1962 - Note Redacted Information
Cordova: Alaska Medical Services - Family Folder: 1934
Here are searchable and linked pdf's that will enhance your searching.
Please Use This Link
Family [Village], Census, Chevak, Copper Center, AK
Family [Village], Census, Cordova, Chugash CA, AK Family [Village], Census,
Fortuna Ledge, Kusilvak CA, AK Family [Village], Census, Halibut Bay, Kenai
Peninsula, AK Family [Village], Census, Ouzinkle, Pilot Station, Lake &
Peninsula Borough, AK Family [Village], Census, Pimute - Port Moller,
Kusilvak CA,AK
The Chart below has the basic film Numbers, but the pdf's
have the individual item links.

 Alaska Archive Indexes and Family Search Films Adoptions ~ Coroner
Records ~ Probate & Estate Records ~ Sanity Hearings ~ Guardian Appointments
And Lastly: "Odds and Ends" This page is intended to be a compilation of
Miscellaneous Records formerly found on this site. Please take the time to look at everything, there may
be a Family member of interest.
Please use this link for the fully searchable and linked pdf file
The Old Bethel "Probate Index is Here, If you find a name of interest,
go here to the AK Digital Archives

The National Archives has a really nice set of
digitized records that can be freely accessed.
the Collection is Extensive and Informative:
Please use
this link for access.
Alaska State Library Interesting
Collections: Genealogical Resources ~ Historical Collections ~ Historic
Alaska Newspapers and more... Here is a list of newspapers for the Borough's
I host. Kenai Peninsula The Kenai Peninsula Pioneer, 1955-1956 The
Homer News, 1954-1955 The Homer Homesteader, 1946-1949 The Kenai
Peninsula Cheechako News, 1961-1962 ~ The Kenai Peninsula Cheechako News,
1963-1963 The Frontiersman, 1946-1947 Seward Gateway, 1904-1905 ~ Daily
Gateway, 1905-1905 ~ Seward Daily Gateway, 1905-1914 Seward Weekly Gateway,
1905-1908 ~ The Seward Gateway, 1914-1917 The Seward Gateway and The Alaska
Evening Post, 1917-1918 The Seward Gateway Daily Edition, and the Alaska
Weekly Post, 1918-1920 The Seward Gateway, 1920-1921 ~ The Seward Gateway,
1921-1923 The Seward Daily Gateway, 1923-1933 ~ The Seward Gateway, 1933
The Seward Polaris & Kenai Peninsula-Aleutian Chain News, 1948-1948 The
Seward Seaport Record, 1948-1955
The Alaska Prospector, 1902-1908
Daily Prospector Bulletin, 1907-1907 Valdez Daily Prospector, 1908-1918 ~
Valdez Weekly Prospector, 1908-1909 Valdez News, 1950-1951
Goodies from the 'WayBack Machine"
Railroad: Archived Websites: From 2007 and on...>>>Scroll,
there are quite a few new resources listed below<<<
Films #
101677757Probate Journal & Documents: June, 1954-Feb, 1960 Bethel
Family Search: Historical Images Resources: "Alaska as part of the Russian
This is a Searchable and Linked pdf for all the Categories Below
 |||☺||| Bethel, Alaska Territory, United States - Mining_Locations, B402-00036, 1913, Film 106699872
1913 Marriages
Film 105128589, Filmed 1964
Russian Orthodox Church, other Churches and Offices
These marriage records appear to be all for Russian folks.
The names are so foreign to this transcriber and the typed information
is strange. There are some names that are capitolized, others are not.
So, rather than make mistakes, the images are here for Researchers to ponder over.
Pages 53 ~ 54 ~ 55 ~ 56 ~ 57
Alaska Records in the National Archives
"Old Bethel - Kusilvak Files"
These files were compiled and formatted by former Bethel-Kusilvak Coordinators. [Many Thanks!]
They have been reformatted for easier access. All files are searchable pdf's
Aircraft Registrations ~ Boat Registrations ~ Probate Indexes ~ Towns
Obituaries ~ A - L ~ M - Z
Odds & Ends
"The Sinking of the SS Princess Sophia: 25 October 1918"
Family Search Film that enhances the Identification of those who perished.
Scroll down to "Odds
and Ends" on this page [Valdez portion of the AKGenWeb]
 Oregon, Washington and Alaska Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1901-1902 /
R. L. Polk & Co. ( no place given prob.Portland, OR, 1901), p. 1-185 (to be
cont.), 1901-1902
Digital Images 357 - 504 - Film #4213242 [Scroll down, File is at the bottom
of the Page]
Churches ~ 1915 Directory ~ Bibliography ~ Deeds [Recorder & Areas Served]
The nice folks over at Genealogy
Trails have resources that might assist with your research.
Alaska Pioneer Home: 1913-1962 [FS Catalog]
There is a lot of valuable information in this book.Names, Dates of Birth, Nativity, Arrival in Alaska
Alaska Pioneer Home Discharge Files: LDS Films: Linked Chart for Film Numbers

"The Fine Print"
Bethel-Kusilvak Census Area: Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
AKGenWeb State Coordinator: Norma Hass
Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please review our "Volunteer" page and contact us!
There are many ways to participate. If you have an idea or comment please let us know.
Information contained on all of the pages within the Bethel-Kusilvak Census Area portion of the AKGenWeb
may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes.
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit where credit is due.
Online Continuously Since 1997
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Site Updated: 4 September 2024
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