Haines. Pop 445 (U S census 1910), present pop about 400, about half of
which are natives. An incorporated town, formerly known as Haines Mission,
on Lynn Canal, near the mouth of Chilkat River 16 miles s of Skagway and
85 miles nw of Juneau. Sustains 4 hotels, 8 general merchandise
establishments, a salmon cannery, a hardware and a drug store. Has a
public school, a government native school, and a Presbyterian church. All
steamships plying between Seattle and Skagway stop at Haines. Fort Wm H
Seward, a 4 company post, joins the townon the south. The Alaska Midland
Railroad, under construction, is projected to Rainy Hollow, with the
Tanana Valley as its ultimate objective point. Weekly stage to Porcupine,
fare $5. Haines Telephone Co. News tri-weekly. Geo Vogel, P M.
Alaska Iron Company
Alaska Midland Railroad Co, John Rosene pres, John
P Hartman v-pres, Wm T Perkins sec-treas
Alaska Packers Assn, salmon
canners, Chilkat
Alaska Steamship Co, Ira H King Agt (See left top,
left side and right bottom lines and pages 96 and 97)
Transportation & Trading Co
Alexdra W Mrs, tchr government native
Anway Chas, strawberry farmer, taxidermist
Baldwin G A,
gen mdse Chilkat
Banta Henry, carp
Banta Homer O, laundry
Benham A
Benson Wm, carp
Birkinbine Henry, civil engineer and U S
mineral surveyor
Blazic Rupert, tailor
Brown Bruce, owner Launch
Brown J W, mgr Haines Native Band
Cahoon Creek Mining Co, Tim Vogel mgr
Chamber of Commerce Co, Geo
Vogel pres, Ira H King sec
Chilkat Canning Co, salmon canners Chilkat
Chisel J H, gen mdse
City Clerk, Stephen Sheldon
Craig H M, phys
Creedon Timothy, poultry breeder
Creher Andw, grocer
Cuke Geo,
_ay Edwd, expmn
_ay Jas, gen mdse, mayor of Haines
_erry Robt,
hotel and restaurant Glacier Creek Gold Mining Co
Hackett Chas, mgr Haines Hotel
Hackett Madeline, waiter Haines Hotel
Haggarty Valentine (Morrison & Haggarty)
Haines Hotel, Chas Hackett mgr
Haines Native Band, J W Brown mgr
Haines Telephone Co
Haines Wharf
Co, Ira H King mgr
Hanson N G, hdwe
Harding W S, U S marshal
Hinchman Geo W, gen mdse
Horkins Wm, gen mdse, shoemkr
Hunter S C,
pres-mgr Porcupine Gold Mining Co
International Construction Co,
John Rosene jr mgr, H R Robbins chf eng, builders Alaska Midland Ry
Jensen Jesse, wharfinger Haines Warf Co
Johnson K O, bldg. contr
Juneau Steamship Co, Ira H King agt
Kaska Jas, logging contr
Kennedy John J, justice U S Commissioner
King, Ira H, agt Alaska
Steamship Co, Juneau Steamship Co and Wills-Farge & Co Express, Mrg Haines
Wharf Co, sec Chamber of Commerce
Launch Corinne, Bruce Brown owner
McLean Mrs, tcher pub sch
McQuinn Jas, expmn
McRae C B, dairy
Martin Jos W, Mrs Frank Thompson mgr, gen mdse and forwearder
Mayor of
Haines, Jas Fay
Morrison John G (Morrison & Haggarty)
Morrison &
Haggarty (John G Morrison, Valentine Haggarty) hotel and saloon
Odell Risden M, gen mdse
Ogden R, tchr pub sch
Perkins Fred,
Perkins Wm T, sec Alaska Midland Ry Co
Perterson John B, saw
Polly W E, meats
Porcupine Gold Mining Co, S C Hunter pres-mgr,
Ira H King agt
Postoffice, Geo Vogel postmaster
Presbyterian Church
(Rev E L Winterberger)
Rath John, gardener
Ripin Morris, gen mdse
Ripinsky Solomon,
lawyer and notary
Robbins Hallet R, chf eng International Construction
Rosene John jr, mgr International Construction Co, and Alaska
Midland Ry Co
Saucier Frank, bldg. contr
Sewell T R
Stephen, drugs, city clerk
Stride S, gardener, plasterer
W A, glove mnfr
Thompkins Frank Mrs, mgr Jos W Martin
Commissioner, John J Kennedy
U S Military Tel and Cable Service
Public School for Natives, Mrs. W Alexdra tchr
Valeur Thos, hotel
Vermeire Henry, dairy
Vogel George, postmaster, pres Chamber of
Vogel Timothy (T Vogel & Co), stage line, mgr Cahoon Creek
Mining Co
Vogel T & Co (Timothy Vogel), logging contrs
Wells-Fargo & Co Express, Ira H King agt
Winterberger E L Rev
(Presbyterian Church)
Extracted 02 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from 1915-16 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory, R. L. Polk & Co., pages 266-268.
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